Augsutune/Aquinas Flashcards
What were the 3 lessons Augustine learned in his childhood?
1.GRATITUDE: sin is done simply for the sake of doing something forbidden
2.PRIDE: pride is committed when you resist that no one is going to tell you want you can and cannot do
3.PEER PRESSURE: a group puts more pressure on you to commit sin,
Why was he perplexed by evil ?
Christianity claimed that God was perfectly good and all powerful, if this is the case then ,
why is there evil in the world?
Why won’t God get rid of evil?
What was Augustine noted for?
One of the most celebrated figures of church history as both Catholic and Protestant Catholics praise him for his work in the realms of Christian theology and philosophy
What is an apologist?
Someone who defends faith
Who was Augustine influenced by?
Was influenced by followers of Plato called NEO-PLANTONIST
What did the neo-plantonist believe in?
Believed in on infinite being, that he can find happiness than philosophy, and our soul govern bodies
What was Augustines main concept?
Augustine said although we may think we need to completely understand a concept, before he come to believe, WE DONT.
We just need faith in God
Augustine encouraged people to worship the ___ opposed to ____
The creator
The creation
How did Augustine advance the biblical concept of original sin?
Augustine proposed that we are only served by God’s grace
For wisdom, Augustine believes that ___, ___, __, ___, __, __, are bound together
What did Augustine say about happiness?
For Augustine, he understood that the soul will be happy once it possesses what it must desired
1.You cannot be happy without what you most desire HOWEVER WHAT YOU DESIRE MAY NOT ACTUALLY BE “good” (Eg: drugs, partying, alcohol)
- What makes you happy must last NON MATERIAL
3 things augustine knows for certain
- I exist
- I know I exist
- I am glad of this existence
What did Augustine say about truth?
Without absolute truth = nothing can be known
What is hierarchy truth ?
Whatever is the accurate description of the truth is better than inaccurate
Truth exists so you can always get closer to the truth
What is hierarchy of being?
Rocks < plants < animals < humans
Therefore the “creator” must be superior to all
What is Augustine’s argument for the logical existence of God?
① nothing is superior to God
② truth exists and is super to us
③ if nothing is superior to truth
God = the truth
God = exists
What did Aquinas say: believed ___ and ___ were separate
Essence & existence
Every existing thing is ____
A joint of form + matter
Aquinas claims God’s existence is ____
Pure existence
What is hylomorphism?
The double composition of matter: form & matter
Give an example of form and matter in a horse?
FORM: what makes it a horse
MATTER: what makes it a particular horse
What is Aquinas’s first efficient cause?
According to Aquinas, all composite, finite things are contingent on efficient causes (something externally to bring them into existence)
Only a being whose essence is existence can be the first cause of all efficient causes to explain everything in the created world
What were Thomas’s 5 ways of God’s Existence JUST LIST? MCCPI
① order of motion in nature
② cause & effect
③ contingent beings
④ degrees of perfection
⑤ things w/o intelligence act for the sake of ends
EXPLAIN: ① order of motion in nature
There must be a first mover / unmoved mover in order for things to change
EXPLAIN: ② cause & effect
In order for there to be causes at work, there must be a first case or uncaused cause
EXPLAIN: ③ contingent beings
Things exist that don’t need to exist → then there must be a source of the existence of contingent beings that cannot not exist
EXPLAIN: ④ degrees of perfection
Because then are different degrees of perfection, there must therton be one perfect being
EXPLAIN: ⑤ things w/o intelligence act for the sake of ends
Things w/o intelligence cannot work for the sake of ends unless a greater being is guiding them
What is the scholastic method?
Begins with possible question and then a list of possible conflicting answers are presented
Each unsure is then evaluated and a final judgement of each cisner is then provided
What are the 3 reasons?
① human reason: truth known by human reason alone
② Divine relation alone: truths known by divine relation alone
③ human & divine relation: things that can be known by both reason and faith
What does ASLEM’S ONTOLOGICAL argument state?
① God is which there no greater can be convicted
② if the greatest being lacks existence, then it would not be the greatest being → therefore God exists
Why does Aquinas disagree with Aslem’s point?
Aquinas says God’s existence is his existence
This being, this existing, this energy or source cannot be another thing.
Aquino’s says God = a great unlimited activity of existing
What does univocal mean?
Word only has 1 nearing
What does equivocally mean?
Word has more than 1meaning
What is analogy ?
Words we use to help us understand and describe God