Pre Socratic Flashcards
The Pre-Socratics focused their studies on ____ - the fundamental knowledge of nature and less on ______
natural philosophy & ethics and political philosophy
What 4 fundamental themes did they focus on?
- Appearance Vs. Reality:
Questioning whether or not things are as a they appear - Change Vs. Performance
Anything that is permanent, does it change or not? - Accident Vs. Essence
If certain properties are charged/to be different than would the thing with those properties change? - The many Vs. The One
Are things that am real maple of many basic things or just one whole thing ?
What is metaphysics?
Th study of the truth, laws, + principal that apply to reality, not just the physical material world but “beyond”.
What an the 4 areas of metaphysics?
- IDEALISM: views reality as mental, rational, spiritual, intellectual and thought like
- MATERIALISM: views realty as made of matter.
3.MONISM: views reality as made up of one unifying thing
4.DUALISM: vices reality as made up of 2 fundamentally different things
What is epistemology?
The study of knowing & how we know
What are the 2 classifications in epistemology?
- RATIONALISM: knowledge about reality is innate and infused into the mind, accessing it takes thinking and contemplation.
2.EMPIRICISM: knowledge about reality i aquined, this info takes observation and experimentation
What is ethics?
The study of what m sought to do & be
What are the 3 classifications in ethics?
- VIRTUE: habits and actions that will lead to long-term balanced happiness and good character
2.CONSEQUENTIALISM: considers getting the best course of action that will benefit everyone
3.DEONTOLOGY: assumes there is a ultimate, universal law of I morality to which moral persons have an unqualified duty of obediance
What is human anthropology?
Discipline with philosophy that seeks to unity the several empirical investigations of the human nature
What 4 elements did they believe earth was composed of?
Air, water, Earth, and fire
What is the concept of Anaximenes?
He believed AIR was the source of all material things.
Claimed air was basic and all other elements were generated by air being modified
What was Anaxagoras main concept?
He supported the pluralist view that all things are composed of the 4 basic elements
Pointed to POTENTIALITY- the notion that things a how potential, or cause of change within themselves
What was Anaximander’s main concept?
He argued that no single material element could be generated from any other element, the boundless APEIRON is the source for all things
What is APERION ?
Apeiron meant unlimited or boundless
It is like a force or a principal
Leucippus and ____ are connected because their views of _____ are similar
Democritus their views of “atomism” are similar, the view that all things are made up of different atomic configurations
Claimed that atoms had “little hooks” that allowed them to connect with one another.
Why did many people reject leucippus and democritus’s view of atonism?
They rejected it because it was a form of “athesiem” and did not point to goal as a source for all things
What was empedocles’s main concept?
He claimed that all physical things are composed of 4 basic elements and governed by 2 fundamental forces:
What is love and stride and what did Empedocles claim they did?
Claimed that they cause change and that the history of the world is caused by the flow of these 2 factors
What is Epicurus’s theory?
He supported the virtue of atomism and argued that pleasure and happiness is goal of life.
Wisdom is the greatest pleasure.
What is Heraclitus’s main concept?
He believed change is the fundamental natur of things and there is unity of opposites
Claimed fire is the basis of all things
What is the Unity of opposites?
This theory states that things must be understood in terms of how the relate to each other
What is Parmenides main concept?
He believed that all of reality is one, and what is real is eternal + unchanging.
Claimed that change is a illusion of appearance
What is Plotinus’s main concept?
He claimed that a reality comes from the one (or the good one) and argued that what is must real = nonmaterial
What is Pyrrhus main concept?
Argued that peace of nine can be attained only by recognizing that one must always suspend judgement about the truth or falsity of anything and be detached
What is Thale’s main concept?
Claimed that water was the source of all things
Noted that all living organisms need water to survive and the food that even the non-animate environment was formed by water
What was Zeno of Elena’s main concept?
Argued that peace of mind is the goal of inquiry and of life.
defended Parmenides views with a sets of paradoxes and puzzles that lead the opposition to contradictions.