Sociology & Science Flashcards
Why do positivists believe in applying the logical methods of natural sciences to society? (Sociology is a science)
It is natural and desirable to apply the logical methods of natural sciences to study society , doing so will bring us true, objective knowledge that is found in the natural sciences
This will provide the basis for solving social problems and achieving progress
How do positivists compare nature to society?
1 — Nature is made up of objectives observable, physical facts such as rocks, cells and stars, which are external to our minds and exist whether we like it or not
2 — Similarly, society is an objective factual reality, it is a real thing made up of social facts and ‘out there’ of independently of individuals just like the physical mind
According to positivists, how are real laws discoverable?
Reality is not random or factual but patterned and we can observe this through empirical patterns or regularities for example water boils at 100 degrees celsius, it is the job of science to observe , identify and measure these patterns systematically and explain them
‘Real laws are discoverable’ Just as physicists have discovered the laws that govern nature, sociologists discover laws that determine how society works, the method for doing so is known as induction
Induction involves accumulating data about the world through careful observation — as our knowledge grows we begin to see general patterns
Who studied what to prove sociology is a science?
Chose to study suicide to show that sociology was a science with its own distinct subject matter
Using quantitative data from official stats, he observed that there were patterns in the sucide rates, for example the rates for Protestants was higher than for Catholics
He concluded that these patterns were not the product of motives from the individuals, but were social facts — forces acting upon members of society to determine their behaviour
Claimed to discover a ‘real law’ different levels of integration produce different rates of suicide, social fact can be explained scientifically