Sociology of Education Flashcards
dividing students into groups, based on intelligence or achievement
achievement ideology
belief that anyone can succeed through education and hard work
social reproduction
schools replicate the class structure
social capital
resources people access through their relationships or social networks
cultural capital
knowledge, habits, skills valued by institutions
achievement gap
difference in academic outcome between groups of students
opportunity gap
difference in opportunities and resources available to groups of students
coleman report
study of us schooling, student background is the most powerful influence on achievement
social construct
can take on the appearance of a fact, but is the product of society and culture
de jure segregation
segregation of schools enforced by law
de facto segregation
segregation of schools by residential segregation
double segregation
concentration of large numbers of low-income students of color in schools
assumption that individuals are heterosexual and biological sex and gender are aligned
hidden curriculum
unofficial messages to students that are communicated through rules, routines, arrangement of classrooms, interactions
sorting students into groups based on ability, achievement, prospects
second-generation segregation
racial segregation in schools because of racialized patterns in tracking
education policy
decision about school-related issue (funding, curriculum, student assignment)
No Child Left Behind Act
2001 federal law, mandate regular standardized testing and set consequences for low-performing schools
charter school
privately run but publicly funded schools