Deviance, Crime, and Violence Flashcards
behaviors that violate social norms
expectations for behavior
norms about customs, traditions, and etiquette
more seriously protected norms, reflect norms and values of a group
most seriously protected norms, codified and enforcements
social control
influence behavior to maintain social order
moral panics
overheated, short-lived periods of intense social concern about an issue
moral entrepreneurs
people who try to influence societies to increase awareness of violation of social norms
functionalist theory of deviance
theories on social purposes that deviance serves
social cohesion
degree to which we identify with and maintain social rules and connections
stress that results from anomie
strain theory
functionalist theory, 5 adaptions to strain: conformity, innovation, ritualism, retreatism, and rebellion
opportunity theory of deviance
delinquency is a function of opportunity and access to delinquent behavior
conflict theory of deviance
ask about how rules and norms are shaped by power relations in society
shared values, beliefs, and understanding about how the world should be
type of domination, powerful obtain consent or support of subordinated
person is discredited because of an attribute
differential association
deviance is learned through intimate personal contacts
control theory
deviance arises from a weakening of social connections
labeling theory
deviance is created through reactions to an act
study of crime and criminal behavior
act that violates penal code
penal code
written laws that govern behavior
violent crime
crime that involves physical force
property crime
theft that doesn’t involve force
street crime
violent and property crime in public spaces
white-collar crime
not carried out on streets or public spaces, no force
crime prevention through environmental design
reduce crime through design of buildings and physical space
broken windows theory
small signs of disorder lead to outbreaks of more serious crime
homicide rate
number of homicides per 100,000 residents
culture of violence
US citizens want to protect their property and themselves, creating a norm of violence
relative deprivation
falling behind while others do better, lead to strain
mass incarceration
expansion of imprisonment
The New Jim Crow
mass incarceration represent a racialized caste system
defund the police
shift resources from police budgets to other agencies
black lives matter
reduce police violence against African Americans