Sociology Flashcards
Hallmark of globilization: international trade cross-brobe investmemnt migration of individual free flow of information
Cultural capital
NONFINANCIAL social asset that helps improve an individual position status in society. Cultural capital can help a person gain social mobility and improve the status in society.
demand characteristic
Circumstances in which participants guess the hypothesis and change their behavior to match that hypothesis.
Example” I think the experiment is measuring my breathing so i control my breathing so it can match the supposed hypothesis”
GeSellchaft society
society in which everyone is working towards the same goal - such as a company/country - larger scale
GeMeinschatten Community
Those who are bound together by beliefs, ancestry or geography - smalller scale
Characteristic institution
Prehistorically - kin and clan
modern time- cities, urban centers of trade and commercial.
Beaucracy- rational system of political organization, administration, discipline, and control
impression management
refers to out attempts to influence how others percieve us.
3 types of selves-
Authentic self- who the person actually is
Ideal self- who we would like to be under certain circumstances
Tacile self- refers to how we market ourselfs to adhere to other’s expectations.
change in behavior based on a direct request.
Foot in the door technique =
compliance method
- ask a small favor first, and then ask another bigger one
Door in the face technique
compliance technique
- ask a big favor first ( NO) and then ask for a smaller favor ( YES)
Low ball technique
- comply to a task but non one tells you the full detauls and how it wil work ( kinda left out in the dark)
Thats not all technique
compliance technique
- made an offer but others persaud you by adding another.
Societal rules for acceptable behavior
part of symbolic/nonmaterial culture
formalized ceremony that usually involve specific material objects
- wedding
- thanksgiving dinner.
Social action -
effect of a group on individual bahavior including social facilitation, deindividuation, bystandard effect, social loafing, peer pressure.
Social interaction-
refers to effect that multiple individuals all have on each other including polarization and group think.
- largest factor that drives american social mobility ( does not guarantee a positive social mobility)
- based on merit/intellectual talent that helps bring you up the lader, BUT the gap betwen the classes
sometimes meritcoracy may not help you move up the social ladder.
Belief perservance
Ex. I dont care what you show me as proof, I am right!!
- a type of congitive bias in which people have a tendency to reject convining proof that goes against their belief.
upward/downward mobility
people can climb the social ladder( move up) or desncent the social lader( move down)
education can help with social mobility
but althetics/music can help individuals climn the ladder.
defined by low socioeconomic status and lack of posssesion/financial resources–> poverty can be handed down from generation to generation.
Absolute poverty
poverty is a socioeconomic condition in which people do not have enough money or responses to maintain a quality of life that inclues basic life needs, such as fod, clothes, water and shelter.
Relative poverty
in which a person is poor in comparasion to larger population where they live.
intergenerational mobility vs. intragenerational mobility
Intragenerational mobility - changes in social status within ones lifetime.
Intergenerational mobility- changes in social status by parents to their children.
There are 2 types of social movements. what are they?
-Proactive and reactive
social movement are organized either to promote or resist social change.
Proactive social movement
promote social change
reactive social movement
resist social change
social support
( emotional support)
- listening, affirming and emphathizing.
Ex, “ i am sorry that you lost your job”
Esteem support
( social support)
Affirming question and skills of a person
” you’ve got a great resuem. Iam sure you will be hired”
Material Support
( social support)
- aka tangible support
financial or materal contribution
:” let me pay the check this time”
Informational support
( Social support) providing information that will be helpful to someone
” i hear my company is hiring”
Network Support (
( Social support) - giving a sense of belonging
“ group hug”
just world hypothesis
good things happen to good people and bad things hapen to bad people
Learning theory in sociology
attitudes developed of learning :
by direct contact, direct interaction, direct instruction and conditioning
Interactional Process analysis
Technique for observing, classifying and measuring the interaction within small groups
group conformity
individuals are complaint with group goals to a point where individuals wil participate in behaviors they normally would not
for example: in a party, people do drugs to fit in but normally this said person would not do it.
Group think
related to group conformity - and occurs when memebers begin to focus solely on ideas generated within a group- while ignoring outside ideas
upward mobility
when a person/ social group or claass is moved to a higher position of increased power, or status within society
social reproduction
- passing down social inequality to children
- example, if you are born in a poor house and parents dont have resources for you, you will be poor too.
Game Theory
game theory is how position between two different groups affect the behavior
institutional discrimination
occurs at a workpalce or at a institution
- this explaints why one gender is discriminated against the other.
residential segregation
The result of separation of different groups into neighborhoods –> can result in educational disparity
( think intercity = black=shity school system)
Belief perservance
When presented with information of varying opinion, people are more likely to believe in information that confirms with their opinion and discount evidecen which retures it.
The result is therefore that even when presented with infrmation that supports both sides, people tend to confirm and solidify their position.
Subculture - define
sulculture is a group of people within a culture that distinguish frm the primary culture to which they belong
example in india there are hindus – which can be broken down into swaminarayan, krishna, sikh ( these are all subcultures)
Social Construction Model
States that emotions are solely based on situational contect of social interaction
Display rule
it depends on the culture
- unspoken tules that govern the expression of emotion
celebration of co-exisiting cultures a cultural mosaic
think of america – its a melting pot of cultures
refers to a shift in focus toward efficiency, predictabilty, control and calculabilty.
iron law of oligarchy
states that democractic or beaucratic systems naturally shift from being ruled by an elite group of people.
define assimilation
Assimilation is the process by which an indivisual or groups’s behavior and culture ebgin to resemble that of another group
think native american assimilation - they started dresssing like european people.
What are the 4 factors used to access complete assimilation?
- socioeconomic status
- geographical distribution
- language attainment
- intermarriage
Impression management - ingratatiation
using flattery or conforming to expectations to win someone over
example: blindly agreeing to someone else’s opinion, complementing a friend before asking for a favor
impression management stragety - managing appearances
using props, appearance, emotional expression, association with other to create a positive image.
example: wearing a white coat, keeping calm when dealing with a difficult patient
impression mangagement - self disclossure
given information about onself to establish an identity
example: disclosing that you are a premedical student
Impression mangagement - aligning action
making questionable behavior acceptable through excuses.
example: justification for missing dealines,
blaming a bad grade on too little sleep
Aligning actions is an impression management technique in which one provides an socially acceptable reason for an unexpectable behavior.
example: excuse for poor behavior.
Impression management - alter casting
imposing an identity onto another person.
” A good friend would lend me a bike” –> saying you are a good friend.”
empathy-altruism hypothesis
explains relationship betwen helping and empathy behavior
one individual helps another person when she/he feels empathy for another person - regardless of the cost
example: dhuggy and isha
Halo Effect
Cognitive Bias in which judgement about a specific aspect of an individual can be affected by an overall impression
- one general impression allows to make further judgement
Social construction model definition
the social construction model states that emotions are always a product of a current social situation and it doesnt posit any biological basis for emotion
Think about how society constructs the emotion…
an irrational position/ negative attitude towards a person, group, or thing prior to an actual experience with that entity
Influenced –> power, prestige and class
define power
acheived goal despite upstate
define prestige
respect shown to a person/group
classn define
socioeconomic status
Symbolic Ethnicity
connection to ethic symbols despite lack of every day incorporations
Example st patty day
occur when attitudes and impressions are based on limited superficial imformation about a person
prejudge and discrimination based on Age
Sex is not the same as gender. DEFINE EACH
sex= biological determined
gener = behavioral/ cultural/ phychological/ trait
Belief definition
what we think should be true
example: Religious belief
Value definition
value leads to behavior
Example: what a person deems important in life and values can change with population
Value leads Behavior
Example :
Philantrophy leads to donating to charity
Patrism leads to enlisting in armed forces
Education - leads to saving for school
Cultural Relativism
A concept used to compare and understand other cultures!
Halal meat is different but not superior to others
Culture is taught and you are not born with it.
There are two types of culture. Name and define
culture is the entire lifestyle for a given group
Material culture :object that represents groups - tangible. Example: coconut= ascribed not inherent meaning
Symbolic culture: idea that represents groups “ NONMATERIAL CULTURE” = songs
Discrimination = behavior
When a prejudical attitude comes out as negative behavior.
- there are 2 types!
Individual discrimination: - one person discriminates against particular person/gender.
Example: female not hired due to age.
Institutional discrimination: - discrimination against a group/person by entire organism
EXAMPLE: the human resources doesn’t like blacks.
Prejudice = attitude
prejudice does not always lead to discrimination.
For example: I can be prejudice toward a group and not act on it therefore I am not discriminating.
Poverty line
Based on government calculations on the minimum income requirements to acquire the necessity for life.
But it doesnot factor in geography. some places are more expensive to life compared to others.
Status types
- ascribed Status
- Achieved Status
- Master Status
- Ascribed status - involuntary - based on race, ethinicity, gender, family background and socioecominic status
- Achieved Status - gained as a result of ones effort or choices
- Master Status - states by which one is most identified by
Cultural Attribution - Indivisualistic culture vs Collective Culture. Define Each
Individualistic Culture - high value on personal goal/independence Ex: USA
( make fundamental attribution error ( dispositional)
Collectivist culture - high values on conformity and interdependence
Example: Many asian culture
( Make situational attributions)
Social Identity Theory ( who you are in a group)
States that a persons self-concept is partially determined by their percieved membership in a social group
Game Theory
Rational behavior influencing people – in self interest
Altruism = donor benefits and recipent costs to himself
Cooperation = both donor and recipent benefit
Spite = both donor and recipient are negatively impacted
selfishness - donor benefit and recipient negative impact
Game Theory - focuses on a rational behavior of interacting people
” when you play a game, you will think wisely and rationally
The theory holds that people are rational being who act according to their self interest
can be related to altruism - people will only help of they can rationalize a benefit from helping.
Group Polarization
The tendency for groups to make more extreme decisions than individual ideas and members ( more individual effect)
Choice shit - group as a whole changes behavior ( group oriented)
Dispositional ( internal) –> consistency cue
consistent behavior one time
residential segregation
results in separation of different groups into neighborhods
this segreation is due to the location of the neighborhood and it has harbors the following issues
- lack of access to bus
- lack of acces to teachers
- lack of technology
Symbplic interactionist
- focuses on sociology on a mirco level - on the level on individuals
- seek to find shared meaning
- seek to study the effects of social constructs on individuals particularly how those constructs effect the role of the individual within society
Globalization -
includes increase interdependence between people in different regions of the world.
Demographic Transition -
when is there the loweest population and when is the greatest population?
During Demographic Transition, there is an increasing in population. This is because in beginning, the death rate and birth rate are high.
As time progresses, the death rate decreases yet the birth rate increases until it levels out. therefore this contributes to the increase in population.
a society in which positions are earned by achievements
Social Statics
Focus on how order is mainatined in society
Social dyamincs
focus on how society changes over time
Measure of disease that allows us to determine the likelihood of ahving that disease
example: scleroderma is more prelevenat in caucaion patients and more in female
modern sociaiology
focus on post modernism, feminism, and critical theory???
Social constructism = aaka social construction of reality
examones the jointed constructed undertadning with shared meaning ( with individual)
Which factor of theory of social solidairty in a society that determines the way social cohesion among individuals is maintained -
division of labor - refers to the range of tasks with a social system - it is the divison of labor that allows society to funciton
if eveyrone has their own taks then the system rusn smoothely
Value -
set of belief that an indivusual has to guide his behavior
code of conduct set by the society
if the norm is not followed, this is considered deviant
aka the synomyn is illness
example an individual can have several comornbilities such as diabetes, hypertension,
social perception requires ehat?
- target
- percierver
- process
According to the differential association theory ( deviance is learned though interaction with others
mneumonic - you assciate with different people you can become deviant
role strain
tension that results from competing demands within the contexts of a single role
tension within 2 different respsibility within the same role - dont know what to do. you are strained
role conflict define
tension betwen 2 different roles held by 1 individual.
Riddhi is a mother and a employee and there is a conflict because she holds 2 positions.
from the perspective of basic group dynamics in sociology, larger groupos are generally considered more stable but less intimate, whereas smaller groups are usually less stable, but more intimate
dyads, two person groups, such as the physican - aptient group, are unstable because either party can break the single social tie.
the triad, thre person groups such as a physician- aptient cultural liasion group, is considsered relatively more stable encause of the additional social ties.
from the perspective of basic group dynamics in sociology, larger groupos are generally considered more stable but less intimate, whereas smaller groups are usually less stable, but more intimate
dyads, two person groups, such as the physican - aptient group, are unstable because either party can break the single social tie.
the triad, thre person groups such as a physician- aptient cultural liasion group, is considsered relatively more stable encause of the additional social ties.
mixed methods approach define
quantatie component ( statisical analysis ) and qualitative ( in depth analysis interviews )
Ethnograpthic methods
- are accurately desribed as systemic observation for a complete social enviroment
caste systems - closed stratification system that does not allow for social mobility.
think luck of the uterus by Susan Hosapple.
define intersectionality of a relationship :
intersectionality calls attention to how idenity categories intersect in systems of social stratification. For example, an individuals’s positon withina social hieracrhy is determine not only by his or her social clas, but also by his is her race/ethinicity. Intersectionality can also refer to intersections involving other identity categories, such as age, gender, and sexual orietnation.
looking glass self by cooley
is based on how others percieve you and how that changes your self concept
The looking glass self is influenced by how we perciev`e that others are viewing us. Based on the looking - glass self, a person who acquires a stigmatized ill is likely to internalize the stigmazation direct against him or her.
Medicalization refers to the taken for granted process in which a problem comes to be defined and treated by the social institution of medicine.
A behavior undergoes medicalization when both the defintion of the problem adn the therapy intended to impotve it are couched in medical terms.
Thomas Theorm
Interpretation of situation causes action.
the interpretation of a situation causes the action.
For example, a teenager who is defined as deviant might begin to act deviant.