Sociology Flashcards
A society is a complex system characterized by inequality and conflict that generate social changes.
Conflict paradigm
A society is a complex system whose parts work together to promote stability.
Functional paradigm
Individuals interact differently with different people in different social situations.
Interaction Paradigm
Societies develop in increasing complexity in relation to their respective environments
Evolutionary theory
Stands on the basic premise that a person expects something in return for what he does.
Exchange theory
Theory of positivism to study the world that led to sociology
August Comte
Dialectical Materialism and Economic Determinism
Karl Marx (1818-1883)
Bureaucratization as ideal type of Verstehen
Max Weber
Social Facts(material and non-material), mechanical(social) solidarity and organic solidarity society
Emile Durkeheim
Interrelatedness of human and society(social self)
George Mead(1863-1931)
Harold Garfinkel
A person’s action creates impressions on others(dramaturgical analysis)
Erving Goodman(1922-1982)
Strain Theory(Anomie)
Robert Merton
Structural Functionalism(adoption, Goal attainment, integration and latency)
Talcott Parson
Social Darwinism
Herbert Spencer
Labeling theory
Howard Becker
Cultural Evolution-role of IT
Gerhard and Jean Lenski
Gemeinschaft and gesselschaft
Ferdinand Toennies
Sociological Imagination- individual lives are shaped by social forces
Charles Wright Mills(1916-1962)
Theories about origins of society
Social contract Patriarchal Evolutionary Necessity Divine