Sociological Self Flashcards
a social science that studies human societies, their interactions, and the processes that preserve and change them.
Study of human relationships and institutions
- The Self as Product of Modern Society Among Others
- Self as Necessary Fiction
- Post-modern View of the Self
With modernization, the self becomes a “delocalized” self which is free to seek its own identity; defining religion, theological tradition; free from customary constraints hence, deviating from the traditional way of life.
The Self as Product of Modern Society Among Others
With modernization, the self becomes a ___________ self which is free to seek its own identity
delocalized self means
free to seek its own identity; defining religion, theological tradition; free from customary constraints hence, deviating from the traditional way of life.
believes that the struggle for one’s individuality is only possible in modern society where religiotheological traditions are gradually replaced by rational and scientific calculations; and the intimate personal affiliations are replaced by exceedingly impersonal associations brought about by urbanized way of life.
Clifford Geertz (1973)
Conditions of the self in the Modern Society that poses certain problem as:
- The newfound freedom threatens the very authenticity of the self (e.g. love).
- Alienation (Marx) – human beings haunted by the very images they have created
- Objectification of the body (e.g. medical practice)
- Dehumanization of self
human beings haunted by the very images they have created
Alienation (Marx)
doctors who did head transplant
Italian neurosurgeon Sergio Canavero and Chinese surgeon Dr. Xiaoping Ren.
First head swap has been carried out on
human corpses
Self is nothing more than a metaphor, a representation of something abstract; symbolic. Self is nothing more than a metaphor, a representation of something abstract; symbolic.
Self as Necessary Fiction
A true given self is not what unites these experiences, but it is the presumed unity of these experiences that gave rise to a concept of the self.
Self as Necessary Fiction
Self is a product of modern discourse that is historically and socially imprisoned by what is acceptable by norms.
Post-modern View of the Self
Self is “digitalized” in cyberspace, a virtual version of who we are
Post-modern View of the Self
Self is _________________ in cyberspace, a _____________________
“digitalized”; virtual version of who we are
who said “Self is “digitalized” in cyberspace, a virtual version
of who we are” and when
Greene, 2017
The following are the manifestations of Post-modern View of the Self
- Information technology dislocates the self, thus, self is “digitalized” in cyberspace.
- Global migration produces multicultural identities.
- Post-modern selves are “pluralized” selves
Social Construction of the Self
- Rewriting the Self as an Artistic Creation
- Self Creation and Collective Identity
- Self Creation and the struggle for cultural recognition
It states that the unity of the self is not pregiven but accomplished through conscious effort - transform self through beautiful work of art
Rewriting the Self as an Artistic Creation
who said “the unity of the self is not pregiven but accomplished through conscious effort - transform self through beautiful work of art”
who said “Contingencies of selfhood – conceal the “ugly” by reinterpreting the overall aesthetic contours of the self”
conceal the “ugly” by reinterpreting the overall aesthetic
contours of the self
Contingencies of selfhood
- Memory and forgetting are most important powers in recreating a person’s identity.
- Such memories of the past include pain, triumph, etc
Self Creation and Collective Identity