Society and Drugs Midterm Review Flashcards
Balance in the body
Helps body adapt to changes in it’s environment
Made up on brain and spinal cord
Receive signal from neighboring neurons
Transmits signals to other neuron dendrites or tissues
Myelin sheath
Speeds up signal transmitting along the axon
Bodies chemical messenger, transmit messages between neurons of form neurons to muscles or other tissues
Neurotransmitter function
Influences a neuron either being excitatory, inhbitory or modulatory
Excitatory neurotransmitters
Increase postsynaptic membrane permeability to Na+
Threshold is reached for message to be sent
Inhibitory neurotransmitters
Decrease permeability to Na+
Decreases chance nerve impulses wil occur
Drug increases the synthesis of neurotransmitter molecules
Increases the release of transmitters from terminal buttons
Drug blocks the synthesis of neurotransmitter molecules
Blocks the release of the neurotransmitter molecules from terminal button
Endocrine system
Ductless glands that secrete hormones, that carry messages to particular organ or tissue through the blood stream
Drug misuse
Mainly in bodybuilders, athletics and cycling/ weightlifting
Abuse/ misuse
Patterned use of a drug in which the user consumes the substance in amount or with method which are harmful to themselves or others
Drug abuse might eventually lead to an addiction
Compulsive drug use despite harmful consequences, inability to stop using a drug, failure to meet work, social or family obligations, sometimes tolerance and withdrawal
Reflects physical dependence in which the body adapts to the drug, requires more to achieve a certain effect and eliciting drug- specific physical or mental symptoms if drug use is abruptly stopped
Potency vs. Toxicity
Dose response curves and related information
Correlation between the amount if a drug given and its effects
Different individuals will have different levels of tolerance
Pharmacokinetic factors
Factors that influence drug distribution and concentration in the body
Major American legislation
Difference between drugs and impacts on body
Region of homeostasis
Beneficial or desired zone
Margin of Safety
The correct amount to cause a desired effect but not toxic
Opioids- Opium poppy- contains morphine and codeine
Heroine produced from morphine
Can reinforce drug taking behavior by altering activity in the limbic system- controls emotions
Sap from the Opium poppy, then boiled to remove plant matter creating morphine, morphine combined with acid and heated, finish product is heroin powder
Heroine binds to and activated specific receptors in the brain called mu- opioid receptors- when activated reward centers of the brain are stimulated release neurotransmitter dopamine causing reinforcement drug taking behavior
Deteriorates the brains white matter- affects decision making abilities and the ability to regulate behavior and response to stressful situations
Comes from the leaves of the coca bush native to South America
Freebase: White powder that is purer than cocaine hydrochloride
Increases dopamine in the brain circuits related to the control of movement and reward- prevents dopamine from being recycled cause large amount to build up on the space between two nerve cells, stopping normal communication
Affects CNS
Often repeated doses in a binge and crash pattern
Increases dopamine releases and blocks dopamine re-uptake
Greatly reduces the binding of dopamine transporters in the striatum- important in memory and movement
Reduce arousal and stimulation affect CNS, slowing down the messengers between the brain and body
Affect concentration and coordination, slow down persons ability to respond to unexpected situations- small doses cause person to feel more relaxed and less inhibited
Depressants that produce sedation and hypnosis, relieve anxiety and muscle spasms, reduce seizures
-Xanax, Ativan, Valium, Klonopin, Halcion
Minor tranquillisers- treat alcohol withdrawal and epilepsy
Alter a persons thinking, sense of time and emotions, can cause a person to hallucinate
Manufactured from lysergic acid found in ergot- fungus that grows on rye and other grains
Lysergic acid diethylamide