Socially sensitive research Flashcards
What is socially sensitive research?
- Socially sensitive research is research that has negative implications for the ppts and/or for the group they represent beyond the study itself
- Implications in research include:
- Focusing on the ppts
- Those close to the ppt
- Those in the group represented in the study
- The researchers themselves
What did Sieber and Stanely look at?
- Used the term social sensitivity to describe studies where there are potential social consequences for the ppts, or the group of people represented by the research
- They identified 4 aspects in the scientific research process that raise ethical implications in socially sensitive research
How can the research question be socially sensitive?
- The researcher must consider their research question carefully
- Asking questions like ‘Are there racial differences in IQ’ or ‘is intelligence inherited?’ may be damaging to members of a particular groups’
How can the methodology used be socially sensitive
- The researcher needs to consider the treatment of the participants and their right to CONFIDENTIALITY and ANONYMITY
- For example, if the someone admits to committing a crime, should the researcher maintain confidentiality
- However in COGNITIVE and BIOLOGICAL psychology they use case studies that are rare events and therefore even with a pseudonym (fake name) the individual may still be identifiable
- Milgram is another good example because he keeps video footage of the participants that is available of the study
- This is a problem is the findings turn out to have repercussions for the participant
How is the institutional context socially sensitive?
- The researcher should be mindful of how the data is going to be used and consider who is funding the research
- If the research is funded by a private institution or organisation, the funding might give publication
- BIOLOGICAL = pharmaceutical companies fund research looking into the effectiveness of drug therapies lead to publication bias
- SOCIAL = The political background of organisations funding research may support differences towards ethnic minorities
- CLINICAL = the APA (American psychological association) should not be funding research into the validity of the DSM because it produces income for them
How is the interpretation and application of findings socially sensitive?
- Finally, the researcher needs to consider how their findings might be interpreted and applied in the real world
- Could their data or results be used to inform policy
How is Socially sensitive research seen in social?
- RWA and SDO personality are more prejudice as Cohrs suggested
- This is the same with Adorno and the authoritarian personality
- People might turn against those with that personality
- Racism and cultural issues seen in obedience and prejudice and this might have an impact on the participants
What is a study in social that is socially sensitive?
- Milgram’s research found the presence of the authority figure increases blind obedience so removal of an authority figure could reduce the possibility of blind obedience and possible atrocities from occurring.
- This is helping the participants in the long term but it was harmful to them initially
How is social sensitivity seen in Sherif et al?
The phrasing of the research question needs to be about the role of competition rather than focusing on the prejudice of the participants
because information about the participant was kept anonymous so the participants were not identifiable
The political background of organisations funding research may support differences towards ethnic minorities e.g. political parties that have racist views
What is the COUNTER ARGUEMENT (findings and benefit to society) of Sherif?
The awareness that superordinate goals could be implemented to reduce prejudice – The jigsaw classroom (Aronson and Bridgeman)
How is social sensitive research seen in cognitive?
It would be socially sensitive if with case studies pseudonyms were not used because that way the participant would not anonymous so this could lead to distress
- Sebastian and Hernandez-Gil may be more sensitive as they looked at older people and found that they had a digit span similar to 7 year olds, may be upsetting
How is socially sensitive research seen in Baddeley?
The focus on encoding makes Baddeley’s research question NOT SOCIALLY SENSITIVE
information about the participant was kept anonymous so the participants were not identifiable
Not SS
What is the COUNTER ARGUEMENT (findings and benefit to society) of Baddeley?
Baddeley’s work on encoding can be applied to how you revise e.g. mindmaps and not having music playing with words.
What is socially sensitive about Biological?
RAINE = research discovering brain differences in murderers and non-murderers can lead to those convicted of murder attempting to absolve blame for their crimes and sometimes successfully reducing their sentence. This can be problematic for the general public
What is another example of SS research in Biological?
Studies that show genetic predispositions to aggressive behaviour can help identify vulnerable people and help them avoid maltreatment that could lead to violent actions and possible crimes.
What is socially sensitive about Raine?
Saying that brain structure is the cause of aggression suggests that the murderers couldn’t help their aggression and that it was deterministic
However Raine et al did say that it shouldn’t be used to mitigate sentences
because information about the participant was kept anonymous so the participants were not identifiable
Pharmaceutical companies fund research looking into the effectiveness of drug therapies lead to publication bias and might use it for aggression
What is the COUNTER ARGUEMENT (findings and benefit to society) of Raine?
Important in identifying what biological evidence does and does not tell us. For example it doesn’t tell us any social contexts. It is a partial explanation
What is socially sensitive in Learning?
- Aversion therapy uses classical conditioning principles to get rid of unwanted behaviours
- It was used to ‘cure’ homosexuality as an alternative to prison sentencing. It is unethical and open to abuse
- Consenting to aversion therapy under pressure to have treatment
What is positive about this SS research?
- Assocation of unpleasant stimulus with unwanted behaviours, e.g. paedophile conditioned to fear children rather than sexual arousal
- Acceptable if performed with the offender’s consent and counselling,
What is SS about W+R?
We need to be careful about not delegitimising people’s phobias as you can ‘just get rid of them’ in the phrasing of this question. This is because phobias can be debilitating, and this is undermining the individuals experience
There is footage of little Albert available which means that it is not confidential
Not SS
What is the COUNTER ARGUEMENT (findings and benefit to society) of W+R?
Developing effective therapies based on the understanding that phobias are acquired through classical conditioning e.g. SD
What is socially sensitive about criminal?
Research into jury compositions and trials show that there is potential bias in the courts, which can lead to a lack of faith in the criminal justice system and may prevent people from reporting crimes as they could fear a miscarriage of justice.
Bradbury and Williams (2013) investigated juror decision-making and found black defendants are more likely to be judged as guilty by mostly a white or Hispanic jury.
What should the research into this be used for instead?
Psychological research into jury decision-making should be used to prevent miscarriages of justice from happening so all defendants receive a fair trial by ensuring the composition of the jury enables this to happen.
What is socially sensitive about clinical psychology? (positive)
Rosenhan (1973) sent pseudopatients into hospitals in America and reported that mental health patients were being ignored and abused whilst in the care of the hospitals.
Research into mental health hospitals can help reduce the likelihood of misdiagnosis which could lead to inappropriate treatment for the patients and hopefully help them recover quicker and more effectively.
What else is socially sensitive about clinical psychology? (negative)
Drugs are commonly used for mental health issues, such as OCD, Autism or Schizophrenia, and change the neurotransmitter levels and can lead to reductions in symptoms.
Drugs for mental health issues could be seen as a ‘chemical straightjacket’ where symptoms are removed but may prevent clear thinking and decision-making with sedative properties certain drugs.
What is socially sensitive about Rosenhan?
We need to be careful with the question so that the public still trust clinical professionals
He hospitals that were used in the study were kept anonymous
HOWEVER Rosenhan might need to break confidentially to report the abuse scene in some of the hospitals and therefore there might be a moral dilemma
The APA (American psychological association) should not be funding research into the validity of the DSM because it produces income for them
What is the COUNTER ARGUEMENT (findings and benefit to society) of Rosenhan?
Revisions of the DSM/ led to changes in the DSM-III and critical reforms to the diagnostic process