Socialist Key Thinkers Flashcards
Karl Marx
Karl Marx 1818-83 and Friedrich Engles 1820-95 books:
“the communist manifesto” 1948 and “Das Kapital” 1967
Marks and Engles on the contamination of human nature
They argued human nature had been contaminated by capitalism which encouraged selfishness, ruthlessness and greed. Capitalism had instilled in mankind a
Marx and Engles on the original human nature
The “false consciousness”, instilled by capitalism, was far removed from mankind’s original one, which was cooperative, selfless and fraternal. The task was to create a new, non capitalist economic system where human nature could flourish.
Marx and Engels on the social classes created by capitalism
Marx was the first socialist thinker to focus on social class. Together him and Engels argued capitalism created two economic classes: the bourgeoisie and the proletariat.
Marx and Engles: how did social class create instability
They argued different classes were far from harmonious-they involved harsh inequality of wealth and power. For this reason, capitalist societies were unstable and would eventually be overthrown by revolution which was “historically inevitable”.
Marx and Engles on surplus value
Capitalism usually sought to be competitive by creating “Surplus value”, where employers paid employees minimum wages, to gain profits to refine the line of production.
Marx and Engles: how would surplus value destroy capitalism
Surplus value would implant in capitalism “the seeds of its own destruction” by nurturing resentful class consciousness amongst workers, who would overthrow via revolution.
Marx and Engles: What would surplus value implant in capitalism?
Surplus value would implant in capitalism “the seeds of its own destruction
How did marx and Engles challenge the convention that the state was politically neutral?
the state would always serve the interests of whoever controlled the economy. Thus, the liberal state was “merely a committee” for the ruling capitalist class.
What did Marx and Engels say the state was for the ruling capitalist class?
“merely a committee” for the ruling capitalist class.
what did the state being, “merely a committee” for the ruling capitalist class mean would never be allowed?
the state would never allow for evolutionary socialism- it would have to come about via revolution.. This argument has been inspiring to Ralph Miliband 1924 to 94 and Tarick Ali 1943+, who ridiculed the parliamentary socialism championed by labour.
Marx and engles on revolution
Revolution was not just inevitable but essential and desirable. it would come about in a 10 step process.
who did Marx and engles think would rise up to rule after a revolution?
said in revolution an entirely new state would arise that would govern the interests of the new economically dominant class called the “dictatorship of the proletariat”.
what did Marx and engles say would happen after a revolution and the establishment of a dictatorship of the proletariat?
Once the alternative state had been established it would wither away and be replaced by communism: a stateless society involving common ownership and the principle of “from each according to his ability to each according to his needs”
Rosa Luxemburg
RL: Quote on the Bourgeoise
“Bourgeoise stands at the crossroads, either transition to socialism or regression to barbarism”
RL: Quote on socialism and democracy
“socialism without democracy is just tyranny by another name”
Rosa Luxemburg book:
Reform or Revolution 1900
Where did RL agree with Marx?
Accepted marks argument that capitalism promoted exploitation and was at odds with humanity’s natural fraternal instincts. She believed that the evolutionary path towards socialism was insufficient given the extent to which capitalism was built upon exploitation of the working-class
where did RL disagree with Marx?
Like Lenin she had little sympathy for Marx’s historicism and denied revolution would occur in a ten step programme. Her analysis of how revolution should come about distinguished her.
How did RL imagine a revolution?
she envisioned revolution arising spontaneously after class consciousness had gradually bring brought about through proletariat work. Must Strike action would develop spontaneously and from this would come wider revolution overthrowing the state
what key Marxist/Leninist idea did she disagree with?
the idea of revolution leading to dictatorship of the proletariat. Instead she advocated the immediate construction of New Democracy, underpinned by free elections, common ownership and debate.
RL views of Marxist internationalism:
Upheld internationalism by dismissing lenin’s interest in socialist nationalism, claiming it overlooked the transnational character of both capitalism and proletarianism. Socialist revolution should be more than a national regime; it should be a national rivers vault made true by groups such as the international socialist league.