Social World Flashcards
What is the learning view?
- The view that children learn from the environment
- Children learn a great deal from the environment through trial and error and statistical learning
- Caregivers play an important role in children’s cognitive development via teaching and the quality of environment provided
How do children learn from the environment?
- children actively learn from the environment on their own: trial and error and statistical learning
- caregivers play an important role in children’s learning: teach children skills via scaffolding and determine the quality of children’s environment
What is statistical learning?
- the ability to track patterns in the environment
- example of observational learning
Can infants use statistical learning?
- by 2 months there is evidence that infants are sensitive to statistical regularities in their environment
- they can see patterns
What are the implications of statistical learning in infants?
- babies are actively interpreting the world around them and drawing conclusions
- statistical learning is innate and domain general
- it is a mechanism through which infants learn in various domains
What is scaffolding?
- a process in which a caregiver provides a temporary framework that supports children’s thinking at a higher level than children could manage on their own
What are examples of scaffolding?
- physically assisting a child
- demonstrating a skill
- providing explicit instructions
- breaking down a task
What is the zone of proximal development?
- the different between what a child can do without help and what they can achieve with scaffolding from a caregiver
What is private speech?
- children regulate their own behaviour with private speech
- tell themselves out loud what to do the same way their parents do
- more likely on more difficult tasks
- thinking out loud
When do children use private speech?
- start around 3 years
- most frequent in 4-6 year olds
- stops around age 7, when private speech decreases and goes underground, becoming thought
How is the home environment measured?
- through Home Observation for the Measurement of the Environment (HOME)
- it is the gold standard
- researchers visit a child’s home and observe the environment and interview the caregiver
- checklist of characteristics that reflect 2 factors: emotional support and cognitive stimulation
- higher scores indicate higher quality home environment
What is the emotional support factor?
- parents’ degree of responsiveness to their child and expression of positive emotions
What is the cognitive stimulation factor?
- degree to which the parent engages and involves the child, provides them with stimulating toys, and variety in daily life
What do higher scores on the HOME indicate?
- higher scores positively predict children’s cognitive skills and development
- higher IQ
- better math and reading comprehension
- better language ability
How many kids use childcare outside the home?
- 60% of Canadian children under the age of 5 attend childcare outside home
- 52% of these children attend daycare centres
What are the effects of a daycare environment?
- high quality child care, especially daycare centres, linked with better cognitive and language skills in the first 3 years of life
- low quality child associated with lower cognitive and language skills
- language stimulation was a particularly important factor
- children in daycare centres performed better than children in at home child care centres
- no difference between kids in the exclusive care of mom vs. out of home child care
How does SES play a role in home quality and cognitive development?
- low SES associated with lower quality home environment
- plays an important role in why children from poorer families tend to score lower on tests of cognitive skill before starting school
What are the results of daycare programs for lower SES children?
- day care interventions to foster cognitive development of children from low SES families by focusing on cognitive stimulation
- children who participate in these programs have better cognitive skills than the children who don’t
- but the cognitive effects don’t last once the program is over
- participants tend to be more likely to finish high school and enroll in university, less likely to be held back a grade, and are less likely to engage in criminal activity
What’s in a mind?
- intentions
- desires
- knowledge
- all of these have to be inferred, cannot be observed
- children come to understand each of these at different ages
When do children start understanding others’ intentions?
- 6 months
- understand goal directed movement
- understand that only humans can have intentions (not robots)
When do children understand the difference between intentions and accidents?
- 9 months
- can distinguish between intentional and accidental actions
- more frustrated when adult purposely doesn’t give them a toy vs. when an adult tries but accidentally drops it