Social Work Foundation Flashcards
Values, Principles, Practice
________________ seeks to enhance social functioning of
individuals, by activities focused upon their social
relationships which constitute the interaction
between man and his environment.
Social Work
The profession which is concerned with man’s
adjustment to his environment; a person or groups
in relation to a person’s or their social situation.
Social Work
According to _______________, Social work is a practice-based profession and an
academic discipline that promotes social change and
development, social cohesion, and the empowerment
and liberation of people. Principles of social justice,
human rights, collective responsibility and respect for
diversities are central to social work. Underpinned by
theories of socialwork, social sciences, humanities and
indigenous knowledge, SW engages people and
structures to address life changes and enhance
International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW)
2 settings of SW Practice
(1) Primary
(2) Secondary
Setting of SW practice concerned with the programs and services that are in direct purview of social work
Setting whose primary function is to provide
services other than social welfare &
employ social workers in support or to
supplement their services.
a practitioner who, by accepted standards of academic training and SW professional experience, possesses the skill to achieve the objectives as defined and set by social work profession through the use of the basic methods and techniques of social work (CW, GW, CO).
Social Worker / Worker
_________________ is defined as the expression of the
interaction between man and his environment: it is the
product of his activity as he relates to his surroundings.
Social functioning
Primary concern of social work is with how people are
interacting with their social environment, whether or
not they are coping, adjusting, or managing. This definition is also referred to as
Social Functioning
Functions of Social Work
(1) Restorative (curative or rehabilitative)
(2) Preventive
(3) Developmental
___________ function:
seeks to restore or bring back
impaired functioning or the
temporary breakdown to
normal level.
restorative function
____________ function:
Includes treatment &
rehabilitation of person’s ability
to interact positively,
adequately, with the social
restorative function
This function of social work consists of early discovery,
control, and elimination of those conditions
which may impair social functioning.
ex. recreational and character-building
activities for children and youth.
Preventive function
This function of social work focuses on the nurture and
optimum development of the person’s social
functioning so that he may achieve his
capacities and realize his potentials.
Develomental Function
Application of a helping repertoire of
the methods and processes of planned action
taken by the social worker to sustain helping
Casework, group work,
community organization, (Integrated Method of
Social Work) (Hint: Method of SW)
Primary Methods
Administration, supervision,
Secondary Methods
5 attributes of a profession
(1) Systematic body of theory
(2) Professional authority
(3) Sanction of the community
(4) Professional ethics
(5) Professional culture
9 Principles of Social Work
(Felix Biestek)
(1) Acceptance
(2) Non-judgemental attitude
(3) Individualization
(4) Purposeful expression of feelings
(5) Controlled emotional involvement
(6) Confidentiality
(7) Self-determination
(8) Worker self-awareness
(9) Client participation
___________ is defined as the worth which man attaches to certain things, systems, or persons within the realm of usefulness, trith, or beauty
Social Work is based on the belief that man has _______ and _______
worth, dignity
What SW Principle is applied?
“The social worker recognizes that people have strengths and weaknesses, and capacities and limitations”
What SW Principle is applied being described?
“The worker builds upon and utilizes the client’s strengths. A wise move would be to have the client understand from the beginning that his participation is expected.”
Client participation / participation of the client in problem-solving
What SW Principle is being described?
“The main idea in this principle is that the individual (or group or community) who is in economic, personal, or social need, has the right to determine what his needs are and how they should be met.”
The principle involves the “recognition and understanding of each client’s unique qualities and differential use of principles and methods in assisting each toward a better adjustment
The idea behind the principle is to provide the client protection, within the limits of the law, from harm that might result from his divulging information to the worker.
In its broad sense, this principle means that the social worker is always conscious that her role is to make use of her professional relationship with her client in a way that will enhance primarily the client’s development rather than her own.
worker self-awareness
The relationship between the client and the worker
Client-worker relationship
According to Perlman, it is the condition in which two persons with some interest between them, long term or temporary, interact with feeling
The human mind functions in a dualistic way. This conflict between two opposing tendencies within one’s self are manifested in the day-to-day experiences of social workers.
It is believed to take place when the client unconsciously transfers to the social worker attributes or characteristics of important or powerful persons in his early life.
_________ principle is the. caseworker’s sensitivity to the clients. feelings ,an understanding of their meaning ,and purposeful, appropriate response to the client’s feelings.
Controlled emotional involvement
The ________ principle is the recognition of the client’s need to express his feelings freely, especially his negative feelings. The worker listens purposefully, neither discouraging nor condemning the expression of these feelings.
Purposeful expression of feelings
___________ principle is based on the belief that social work does not include assigning guilt or innocence. If the client fears blame and judgment, he will not talk about himself. Not only blame, but also praise and approval, are examples of a judgmental attitude. Blame and praise may have the same effect on a client: to hide a part of himself so as not to be judged.
Nonjudgemental Attitude
In our setting, _________ comes in many forms, such as in the matter of influencing clients to act in the way the worker wants them to act in response to a given situation.
They refer to this as “unity toward outgroups” which means that professionals unite against outsiders who threaten privileges and rewards of the group
Conflicting loyalties
Our culture presents certain ethical dilemmas to the social worker
Cultural and other realities
We realize the need for social workers to engage in ______ that will bring about social reforms which will benefit large segments of our population
________ means recognizing client’s right to
existence importance & value. Involves
respect for the person
forceful & energetic, in constant
motion, advancing the movement to
give & take of attitudes &
feelings that build a relationship w/c may
meet the emotional needs of client. –
relationship is more emotional than
Refer to the composite of activities and tasks that social worker is expected to undertake in order to accomplish the goals agreed upon with the client
Interventive Roles
The social worker intervenes in disputes between parties to help them find compromises, reconcile differences, and reach mutually satisfying agreements
The social worker fights for the rights of those disempowered by society with the goal of empowering the client
Social workers are involved in gathering groups of people together for a variety of purposes including community development, self advocacy, political organization and social change
A social worker evaluates practice interventions and with others evaluates program outcomes. Aims to enhance the effectiveness of social work practice
Social workers are involved in teaching people about resources and how to develop particular skills such as budgeting, the caring discipline of children, effective communication, the meaning of a medical diagnosis, and the prevention of violence
4 practice systems by Dinesh Pandey
(1) Change Agent System
(2) Client System
(3) Target System
(4) Action System