Personality Theories Freud (Filipino Personality and Social Work) Flashcards
Human Behavior and Social Environment Component
According to Freud, it is the basis of personality, the innermost core of personality, and is closely related to biological processes
According to Freud, it is the direct outgrowth of Id, governed by considerations of safety; preservation of the organism.
It is the conscience, the judge of right and wrong, in accord with the standards of parents
3 Divisions of the Mind
id, ego, superego
What are the different stages of personality development according to Freud?
Oral stage, anal stage, phallic stage, latency stage, and genital stage
According to Freud, the mind is ___% unconscious and ___% conscious.
90% unconscious and 10% conscious
According to Freud, this is the core characteristics of personality; It is inherent and unchanging aspect of human beings.
This is the PLEASURE PRINCIPLE division of mind as characterized by Freud.
This is the REALITY PRINCIPLE division of mind as characterized by Freud.
This is the CONSCIENCE division of mind as characterized by Freud.
This term is referred as the Life Instincts - those which deal with basic survival, pleasure, and reproduction, libido, procreation, social cooperation, and survival.
This term is referred as the Death Instincts.
A type of therapy that aims to release pent-up or repressed emotions and memories to lead the client to catharsis or healing
A Freudian term that is referred to sexual attraction of sons to their mothers; boys develop both sexual attraction to their mothers and jealousy of their fathers
Oedipus Complex
A type of defense mechanism where there is a refusal to recognize or acknowledge a threatening situation.
A type of defense mechanism where a person is “pushing” threatening or conflicting events or situations out of conscious memory.
A type of defense mechanism where a person is making up acceptable excuses for unacceptable behavior
A type of defense mechanism where a person is placing one’s own unacceptable thoughts onto others, as if the thoughts belonged to them and not to oneself.
A type of defense mechanism where a person is forming an emotional reaction or attitude that is the opposite of one’s threatening or unacceptable actual thoughts.
Reaction formation
A type of defense mechanism where a person is expressing feelings that would be threatening if directed at the real target onto a less threatening substitute target
A type of defense mechanism where a person is falling back on childlike patterns as a way of
coping with stressful situations.
A type of defense mechanism where a person is trying to become like someone else to deal with one’s anxiety
A type of defense mechanism where a person is trying to make up for areas in which
a lack is perceived by becoming superior in some other area.
Compensation (substitution)
A type of defense mechanism where a person is turning socially unacceptable urges into socially acceptable behavior.
Freud also believed that girls begin to view their mother as a rival for the father’s affection
Electra Complex
During the phallic stage, the primary focus of libido is on the…
According to Freud’s theory of psychosexual development, what is the erogenous zone during the anal phase?
the bladder and the bowls
What did Freud say couldn’t be classified as illness but was “produced by a certain arrest of sexual development”?
According to Freud’s theory, what can occur when certain issues are not resolved at the appropriate stage?
This stage of personality development according to Freud involves the mouth as the erogenous zone. The conflict that can arise here, according to Freud, will be over weaning (taking the mother’s breast away from the child, who will now drink from a cup). Weaning that occurs too soon or too late can result in too little or too much satisfaction of the child’s oral needs, resulting in the activities and personality traits associated with an orally fixated adult personality: overeating, drinking too much, chain smoking, talking too much, nail biting, gum chewing, and a tendency to be either too dependent and optimistic (when the oral need
Oral Stage
At what age does the Oral Stage take place according to the Stages of Personality Development by Freud?
First 18 months
Stage of the Personality Development by Freud wherein when a child becomes a toddler, the erogenous zone moves from the mouth to the anus, because Freud also believed that children got a great deal of pleasure from both withholding and releasing their feces at will.
Anal Stage
At what age does the Anal Stage take place according to the Stages of Personality Development by Freud?
18 to 36 months
One of the fixations of the anal stage wherein a child rebels and will refuse to go in the toilet which will translate later in his/her adulthood as ________ - someone who sees messiness as a statement of personal control and who is somewhat destructive and hostile.
Anal Expulsive Personality
A fixation of the anal stage called ______ wherein adults become stingy, stubborn, and excessively neat due to being terrified of making a mess and rebel passively in their childhood; No mess, no punishment.
Anal Retentive Personality
This stage of Personality Development according to Freud is the awakening of sexual curiosity and interest in the genitals. Children have discovered the differences between the sexes by now, and most have also engaged in perfectly normal self-stimulation of the genitals, or masturbation.
Phallic Stage
At what age does the Anal Stage take place according to the Stages of Personality Development by Freud?
2 to 3 years old
Stage of the Personality Theory by Freud wherein children grow and develop intellectually, physically, and socially but not sexually. This is the age at which boys play only with boys, girls play only with girls, and each
thinks the opposite sex is pretty awful.
Latency Stage
At what age does the Latency Stage take place according to the Stages of Personality Development by Freud?
6 years to Puberty
Stage of the Personality Theory by Freud wherein Bodies are changing and sexual urges are once more allowed into consciousness, but these urges will no longer have the parents as their targets. Instead, the focus of sexual curiosity and attraction will become other adolescents, celebrities, and other objects of adoration.
Genital Stage
At what age does the Genital Stage take place according to the Stages of Personality Development by Freud?
Puberty onwards