Social Studies 3-21-23 Chapter 9 Flashcards
Meaning of Renaissance
What were Leonarde De Vinci’s achievements?
Flying machine
Works by Michleangelo?
Pieta, frescos
What is a fresco
a painting created on a fresh moist platter
What was the first book of Guetenburg that was printed
Latin Bible
Who hung up the 95 theses?
Martin Luther
What did the pope do with him
excommunicated him
Why did he break away from the church
because of a divorce, the pope said no, and he wanted to form his own religion
Who was beheaded by king Henry the 8th? And Why?
St. John Fisher, and St. Tomas More because he stood up to the king
What was Copernicus theory
Earth around the sun
Where was Cervantes from? What book did he write?
Spain and Don Quiote
All plays are either?
Comedies and tragedies
List some comedies by William SHakespear
A Midsummer Night’s Dream, As you like it, Twelfth Night
List some tradegies
King Lear, Antony, Cleopatra, Macbeth
What is a dictator
one who rules with absolute power
Define right of kings?
No one can question the king because God told him what to do
What did the U.S allow
religious freedom