First Amendment:
Religion- No federal religion. Separation of church+state- No direct aid to any church.
Second Amendment:
The Right to Keep and Bear Arms
Third Amendment:
No forced Quartering of Soldiers
Fourth Amendment:
No Unreasonable Searches and Seizures
Fifth Amendment
Citizens Legal Protections
6th Amendment
Criminal Cases
7th Amendment
Civil cases
8th Amendment
Bail and Punishment
9th Amendment
Right of People
10th Amendment
State and Federal Powers
11th Amendment
Individuals cannot sue a state in federal courts
12th Amendment
Sepreate ballots for Pres and Vice Pres
Thirteenth Amendment:
Slavery Amendment
14th Amendment
If your born or naturalized in the U.S you enjoy full rights
15th Amendment
All male citizents can now vote
16th Amendment
Establishes Congress’ right to impose a federal income tax.
17th Amendment
Election of Senators by the people
18th Amendment
No Drinking
19th Amendment
Womens Suffrage
20th Amendment
Changed the date that the president takes office
21st Amendment
Repealed prohibition and voided the 18th Amendment
22nd Amendment
No person shall be elected to the office of President more than twice
23rd Amendment
Gave residents of Washington, D.C, the right to vote in Presidential Elections.
24th Amendment
Forbids taxing voters before they vote in national elections.
25th Amendment
Established the process by which an ailing president may pass the duties of the office to the vice president and fill the vice presidents ’s office, when vacant.
26th Amendment
18-year-olds are allowed to vote in federal and state elections.
27th Amendment
Prohibits Congress from voting itself mid-term pay raises.