Social Sensitive Research Flashcards
→ Formulation of the Research Question → How the research is carried out and how participants are treated → The context → Application of Results
Why should it be conducted?/ NOT Socially Sensitive - COGNITIVE
Baddeley → Not socially sensitive → Lab experiments caused no harm to anyone → High scientific - less useful therefore does not explain or resolve any issues in society.
Why should it not be conducted?/Socially Sensitive - COGNITIVE
H.M case study → informed us about the role of the hippocampus. This informed treatments of dementia and case studies. → Cases of amnesia like H.M. were demonstrated of the power that psychological research has impacting lives of individuals are part of minorities → This raises questions whether he been to form new memories and whether he would be.
Overall Judgement - COGNITIVE
Schemas are socially sensitive as they may distort interpretations of sensory information that leads to perceptual errors like in witness statements. → HOWEVER most research is not socially sensitive and it is beneficial to investigate schema which have a positive impact on EWT. → cognitive provides interventions for those with dyslexia and memory impairment
Why should it be conducted?/ NOT Socially Sensitive - LEARNING
Becker’ study → can be beneficial in modern day society as it can be used to help and direct televisions presenters to potentially diversity on how body weight is presented on TV - plus size models.
Why should it not be conducted?/Socially Sensitive - LEARNING
Becker et al → suggesting that television can cause individuals to be insecure about their self image → 15 year old Fijan girls not initially bothered about their physiques but when Becker exposed them to Western TV to the girls, overtime their perception of self image became negative as they became used to seeing slim bodies on TV, the ‘Hollywood Body’ → Watson and Rayner → Classical conditioning used to condition behaviour → open to abuse and therefore impinges to an individuals free will → Results of systematic Desensitisation. → W&R → They distressed Little Albert to condition phobic response - caused him harm and made worse that his mother withdrew him from the study before he could be desentitised to the white rat. Albert died at the age of 6. → Bandura - criticised deliberately exposing children to aggressive models and causing distress to children by frustrating them when they could not play with the toys in the room.
Overall Judgement - LEARNING
Treatments can be seen as socially sensitive because the client’s behaviour is managed by the therapist.
Why should it be conducted?/ NOT Socially Sensitive - BIOLOGICAL
Raine et al → discovered that difference in brain structure was a cause of aggression in NGRI murderers. → Correlational not causation → It can reduce crime by introducing therapies and steering young people away from gangs and drugs.
Why should it not be conducted?/Socially Sensitive - BIOLOGICAL
Raine et al → Found that lower metabolic activity in left amygdala in murderers who pleases not guilty by reason of sanity. → Raine’s findings may lead to the wrong conclusion that murder is not a murderes fault. → Criminal courts could not punish such murderes because they are not responsible/accountable.
Why should it be conducted?/ NOT Socially Sensitive - SOCIAL
Sherif’ Realistic Conflict Theory → suggest that competition for scarce resources can cause individuals to become prejudice. → Competition innate within society - removes blame from certain groups or individuals as the cause of prejudice.
Why should it not be conducted?/Socially Sensitive - SOCIAL
Sherif et al → Boys were discriminated whilst at a robbers cave camp. Two separate groups were formed and the hostile competition introduced. Prejudice was deliberately encouraged and so the ppts were negatively affected. Psychological stress and physical harm were caused .
Why should it be conducted?/ NOT Socially Sensitive - CLINICAL
Rosehan → Increased awareness on labeling and reformation of psychiatric patients. Example, calling someone mentally ill causes society to treat them differently. → Brought attention to conditions and treatments in hospitals so they could adapt for the better. → Helped prevent misdiagnosis by improving the system of who needs help and who does not need help → Benefit outweighs the costs as the advanced diagnosis system now is beneficial for society.
Why should it not be conducted?/Socially Sensitive - CLINICAL
Rosehan → Findings can be damaged for geuine psychiatric patients who may have been seen as pseudopatients. → They do not get the right treatment which is inhumane as hosipitals not willing to admit them. → Psychiatric hospitals and staff as seen as incompetent as unable to identify sane from insane. → Methodology risky with harm levels (7-52 days was a long time)
Overall Judgement - CLINICAL
Research into mental health involves labeling which can have negative outcomes for into patients → Guardia suggested that people with low self esteem are encouraged to compare body size which can worsen self esteem.
Why should it be conducted?/ NOT Socially Sensitive - CRIMINAL
→ XYY - research could imply that all men with XYY will become violent offenders - society will avoid these individuals as they have been labelled as future criminals.
Overall Judgement - CRIMINAL
Results showed that EWT is not acurrate , and that many previous convictions is based on EWT may have led to false statements.