Social Scientists Flashcards
Who established the “Out of Africa” theory of evolution?
Louis Leakey and family
Which anthropologist helped develop the theory of structural functionalism, which explains how primitive civilizations existed and persisted?
Radcliffe Brown
Margaret Mead was an anthropologist that concluded….
Cultural forces often determine an individual’s development
Why is Jane Goodall important to anthro?
She observed chimpanzees and lived among them for 20 years, discovering a detailed social structure, complex hierarchy and use of tools
Who is the father of American anthropology?
Franz Boas
Who is the founder of psychoanalytic theory?
Sigmund Freud
Who identified introvert and extrovert personality types?
Carl Jung
What was the importance of Charles B. Watson?
- founded behaviouralism
- believed strict and rule based models were more effective in bringing up children
Who believed that children should be brought up in a loving, flexible and supportive manner?
Benjamin Spock
Who experimented with dogs to condition them to associate the sound of a bell with the arrival of food?
Ivan Pavlov
Who experimented with the conditioning of pigeons and developed the theory of operant conditioning?
B.F Skinner
Albert Bandura concluded that learning is….
Largely a modelling experience. When humans observe behaviour they are more likely to practice it
Auguste Comte…
- invented the term sociology
- introduced positivism into sociology
Who developed Marxism and believed that social inequity was a problem because of materialism and wealth distribution?
Karl Marx
Who believed that conflict is more structured and expanded Marx’s focus to education, politics, religion and families?
Max Weber
Along with Radcliffe Brown, who else created structural functionalism?
Talcott Parsons
George H. Mead was a symbolic interactionalist who…
Believed that society was more than a sum of its parts and that individuals play an important role
What was the major contribution of Ruth Benedict?
-theorized that cultures pick traits to emphasize at the expense of others