Conflict Flashcards
Is conflict always bad?
Not always - can reinforce positive learning through a parent’s discipline to their child.
What is your Id?
- your desires - simple, complex, light or dark
- constantly seeks gratification and has no concerns as to how it achieves them
What is your Superego?
- the counterpoint to your Id’s desires
- the conscience
- learns from the environment it is in (nurtured)
- strives for perfection, even if it is not possible
- it’s endless perfectionism can lead to anxiety and depression
What is your Ego?
- acts as the mediator between the Id and the Superego and it develops overtime
- gradually learns that you can’t always get what you want, or please everyone all of the time
- delayed gratification
Describe introvert/extrovert as a source of conflict
- extroverts favour social situations, introverts seek solitude
- no one is completely introverted/extroverted
What is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test?
-series of questions that develops a baseline comparison and then plots individual’s answers in comparison to the societal norm
What is Eric Erickson’s theory of psychosocial development?
Individuals progress through life stages, where there is conflict. Successful resolution of this conflict permits the person to climb to the next, more complex, stage.
Describe the mental iceberg.
Conscious level: thoughts and perceptions
Subconscious level: memories/stored knowledge
Unconscious level: fears, violent memories, unacceptable sexual desires, irrational wishes, immoral urges, selfish needs, shameful experiences
What is the purpose of defence mechanisms?
- protect one’s self from overwhelming negative feelings and conflict
- are subconsciously used so that the individual is unaware of the mind’s attempt
What are the 10 defence mechanisms?
1) Denial
2) Rationalization
3) Displacement
4) Projection
5) Repression
6) Passive Aggression
7) Idealization
8) Sublimation
9) Suppression
10) Reaction Formation