Social Psychology Flashcards
set up beliefs or expectations about something based on past experiences
allows us to make inferences about other people
confirmation bias
you pay attention to things that support your schema
*Solomon Asch
“impression engagement”
primary effect-tendency to remember information gained on first interaction
can cause a self fulfilling prophecy
set of characteristics set to be shared by all or nearly all members of a group.
pygmalian in the classroom
students tend to perform based on the teacher’s expectations
explanation for the cause of behavior
internal attribution
behavior is the result of personal characteristics and intentions
external attribution
behavior is the result of environmental influences
the fundamental attribution error
we have a tendency to attribute the behavior of others to causes within themselves
defensive attributions
we are motivated to present ourselves and perceive ourselves in positive light
self serving bias
personal failure is due to external forces
just world bias
people get what they deserve
drawn and influenced by another
you are more familiar with people you are close to
attitudes, interests, politics
complementary traits are not opposites
we are attached to people who make us feel rewarded
quality of genuine closeness and trust achieved by reciprocal self closure
consistent predisposition to respond in a favorable or unfavorable way
attitude: cognitive component
ideas may not be true but the person must believe they are
attitude: affective component
emotions or feelings about beliefs. not rational
attitude: behavioral component
inclination to act a certain way.
self monitoring
to stay socially acceptable we will override our attitudes to behave in accordance with the expectations of others
give when you receive
people want more of things there are less of
people will follow credible knowledgable experts
looking for and asking for commitments that can be made
people prefer to say yes to those they like
people will look to the actions of others to determine their own
** Cognitive Dissonance
situation involving conflicting attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors.
negative attitudes
prejudice- unfair view of a group
discrimination- unfair act or series of acts directed against an entire group
institutional racism- discrimination by people who holds positions of power in the institutions of society (death row, college admissions)
how to fight racism
categorize- expand definitions to include more people
controlled prophecy- attempt to see strength and weaknesses of individuals and groups
changing response to match the will or perceived will of others
change your behavior in response to a specific request
risky shift
groups propose more risky solution
group think
occurs when a group makes faulty decisions because group pressures lead to a deterioration of mental efficiency.