Social Psychology Flashcards
Norman Triplett
First study of social psychology
People perform better with the presence of other people
McDougall and Ross
Independently published first textbooks on social psychology
Social approval influence behaviors, the course of a conversation changes dramatically based on feedbacks
Verplank Pavlov Thorndike Hull Skinner
Reinforcement theory
Social learning theorist
Role theory
Balance theory
Attribution theory
Cognitive dissonance theory
Social comparison theory
Festinger and Carlsmith
1 dollar vs 20 dollars experiment, minimal justification effect
Daryl Bem
Self perception theory
Explain overjustification effect
Carl Hovland
Attitude change as persuasion Three components of persuasion: the communicator, communication and situation Sleeper effect Argument against self-interest Two sided messages
Carl Hovland and Walter Weiss
Submarine experiment
Petty and Cacioppo
Elaboration likelihood model of persuasion
Two routes of persuasion
William McGuire
Inoculation to persuasion
Stanley Schachter
Anxiety and affiliation
Aronson and Linder
Gain-loss principle
Robert Zajonc
Mere exposure effect
John Darley and Bibb Latane
Social influence and diffusion of responsibility
Empathy—altruism model
Helping behaviors can be the result of distress or empathy
Social learning theory
Observation + reinforcement
Muzafer Sherif
Conformity study
Auto kinetic effect
Solomon Asch
Conformity study
Line length comparison
Stanley Milgram
Obedience to authority
Electrical shocks
Clark and Clark
Doll preference
Albert Bandura
1 2 3 4
Belief in a just world (BJW)
Theodore Newcomb
The influence of group norms on political standing
Bennington university
Edward Hall
Activation theory
Presence of others - dominant responses
Social facilitation and social inhibition
Phillip Zimbardi
Prison experiment
Irving Janis
Group thinking
Risk shift
James Stoner
The shift of group decision depends on the content
Group polarization
Kurt Lewin
Three leadership styles
Muzafer sherif
Robber’s cave experiment