Developmental Psychology Flashcards
John Locke
Blank slate
John Locke Thomas Hobbes George Berkeley David Hume James Mill John Stuart Mill
British empiricist school of thought
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Society is detrimental to development
Emile: concerning education
Stanley Hall
Father of developmental psychology
Empirical research on children
Founder of child and adolescent psychology
John Watson
Arnold Gesell
Physical maturation determines development, regardless of practice
Gregor Mendel
DNA chromosome
Specific behavior has corresponding genes
Maze-running rats
Lewis Terman
Study on gifted children with high IQ
Jean Piaget
Cognitive structuralist
Assimilation and accommodation
Four stages of cognitive development
Lev Vygotsky
Cultural influences on cognitive development
Internalization of language, culture, rules, etc.
Zone of proximal development
Lenneberg, Rebelsky, Nichols
Petitto and Marentette
Babbling of gestures in deaf children
Noam Chomsky
Transformational grammar
Syntactic transformation
Sensitive period of language development
Sigmund Freud
5 stages
Erik Erickson
8 stages
Alexander Thomas and Stella Chess
Three temperament style in infants
Easy, slow to warm up, difficult
Jerome Kagan
Temperament of children
Conclusion: children temperament is a strong indicator of adult behaviors
Peter Wolff
Crying in babies
Harry Harlow
Monkey experiment
John Bowlby
Identified several phases of attachment
Mary Ainsworth
Devised strange situation procedure
Three basic types of attachment
Konrad Lorenz
Believe in critical period
Lawrence Kohlberg
Moral development stages
Gender development: three-stage theory of self-socialization
Heinz dilemma
Carol Gilligan
Criticizing Kohlberg
Focus on the difference between females and males
Females’ moral more orientated around caring and compassion and relationships
Martin and Halverson
Gender schematic processing theory
Diana Baumrind
Three types of parenting