Social Psychology Flashcards
Introduction Social Psychology Levels of analysis SP approaches How people become sociable
When did the social psychology emerge?
During the world war 2
What is social psychology?
Sciencific study of how people’s thoughts,feelings and behaviours are influenced by the actual,imagined or amplied presence of others
Explains human behaviour as a result of the interaction of mental states and immediate social situations
Social Psychology
Levels of analysis in social psychology?
Individual level
Interpersonal/situational level
Group or positional level
Ideological level
What does individual level mean?
Social actions are explained in terms of internal states or processes comprising of 3 elements(cognitive, affective and conative)
What does interpersonal/situational level mean?
Actions are explained as a result of interaction among people
What does group/positional level mean?
Behavior is explained in terms of group membership or social status
What does ideological level mean?
Behavior is explained in terms of widely shared system or ideas and social practices which serve to maintain the power one group hold over another
Why is cultural dimension excluded?
Because it is often a core determinants of behaviour
How people become sociable?
Perceiving others Attribution Attitude Social and Group influence Culture
Person perception cued by?
Physical appearance
Need to explain
Influences on others
Difference between prejudice and discrimination
Prejudice is an unfair,biased or tolerant attitudes towards another group of people while discrimination is referred to specific unfair behaviours exhibited towards members of a group
What are schemas?
Cognitive structures that represent an organised collection of knowledge about people and events
Disadvantage of schemas
Restrict,bias or distort
Resistant to change
Advantages of schemas
What are attributions?
Are things we point as causes of events,other people’s behavior and own behaviours
Characteristic of attitudes
Stable and enduring
Guide behaviour
What is cognitive dissonance?
Occurs when people behave in a way that is different from their attitudes and beliefs
What is ethnocentrism?
Favoring one’s group
What is confirmity?
Shifting one’s action to follow group norms
4 types if Social and Group influences?
An increased tendency for individuals to behave in an irrational manner or perform antisocial acts when there is less chance of being personally influenced