social psych Flashcards
study of how people think about, influence, and relate to other people
focuses more on the indiv as a social being
social psych
emphasizes the interaction between developing people and the culture in which they live
parents, caregivers, peers, and the culture at large were responsible for developing higher-order functions
importance of understanding how cultural beliefs and attitudes also shape behavior and learning
sociocultural theory
proponent of sociocultural theory
lev vygotsky
in understanding the behavior of the indiv, know immediate environment, including the interaction of the larger environment
ecological systems theory
proponent of ecological systems theory
uri bronfrenbrenner
5 diff systems of ecological systems theory
- microsystem
- mesosystem
- ecosystem
- macrosystem
- chronosystem
biologically based need for interpersonal connections
even the threat of social isolation can promote unhealthy behavior and compromise IQ scores
social exclusion activates the same brain areas as physical brain
need to belong theory
social groups as a means of survival
social influence processes (conformity, obedience) generally serve us well, unless accepted unquestioningly
evolutionary factors
enhancement of easy tasks or disruption of difficult ones, elicited by the presence of others
social facilitation/disruption
components of social psych
- social cognition
- social influence
- social relations
how people think about the social world (thought)
how people select, interpret, rmb, and use social info (cognition)
how people perceive others and form first impressions of them
social cognition
mental and emotional entity that characterizes a person
set of emotions, beliefs, and behavior towards other people, events, places, etc.
developed thru a person’s expi as they live and work with others
can affect the way people view things before they’re actually exposed to them
components of attitude
- affective
- behavioral
- cognitive
how the object, person, issue, or event makes u feel
how attitude influences your behavior
your thoughts and beliefs about the subj
result of a number of diff influences that shape how we see others and the world
they have 1 thing in common, all are forms of learning
attitude formation
generalization about a group’s characteristic that does not consider any variations from one indiv to another
attitude change
process thru which one/more persons attempt to alter/change the attitude of one/more people
factors of persuation
- source (experts, popular, high self esteem, attractive/trustworthy)
- message (intentional messages, 2 sided discussions)
- target audience (age)
sense of discomfort as a result of engaging behavior that is inconsistent w personal cognitions
cognitive dissonance
the way we define ourselves in terms of group memberships
social identity
developing impressions of other people, gaining self-knowledge by comparing ourselves w others
to present ourselves to others in such a way as to influence the way they perceive us
social perception
how our behavior is influenced by other people and groups, including social media
social influence
involves a change in a person’s behavior to coincide more with a group standard because the person wants to seek approval or because we want to be right
involves impaired decision making and avoidance to maintain group harmony
group cohesiveness over critically evaluating facts when making decisions
group think - conformity
involves a change in behavior in response to a request from another person, often in the absence of any real authority/power
asking for a small commitment and after gaining compliance, asking for a larger one
foot in the door technique
asking for a large commitment and being refused and then asking for a smaller commitment
door in the face technique
getting a commitment from a person than raising the cost of the commitment
low ball technique
persuade makes an offer than adds something extra to make the offer look extra
that’s not all technique
how much impact on social influence could have on behavior?
Milgram’s Experiment on Obedience
changing one’s behavior at the direct order of an authority figure
solidification and further strengthening of a position as a consequence of a group discussion
Group Polarization Effect
can be affected by social influence
task performance
positive influ
social facilitation
negative influ
social impairment
people are prone to exert less effort on a task if they are in a group versus when they work alone
social loafing
in groups, indivs feel less responsible for outcome
diffusion of responsibility
how our relationships w other people affect our behavior
social relations
how rs of 2/more groups affect the behavior of indiv members
intergroup relations
tendency to favor one’s own ethnic group over other groups
unjustified negative attitude toward an indiv based on one’s membership in a group
unjustified negative/harmful action toward a member of a group simply because he/she is a member of that group
negative interaction
inflicting physical/psychological harm to others
genetics, chemical influences, brain function
can be influenced by learning, acquired behavior
liking other indivs; having a desire for a rs w someone else
interpersonal attraction
causes of attraction
- proximity
- similarity/familiarity
- reciprocity
- physical beauty
- age, socio-economic status, skills
nearness, always being together
liking the same things
learning to like those who like you
liking physically attractive people
physical beauty
sternberg’s triarchic theory of love
strong components of infatuation, often predominates the early part of a love rs
desire to have the other person near and have a deep, caring affection for the person
decision and responsibility to love
types of sternberg’s triarchic theory of love
intimacy and passion
intimacy and commitment
all 3 components present