Social Policy Flashcards
- transforming German society
- ‘peoples community’ - overcome old German divisions of class
- new national identity - working together for good of germany
- if you didn’t work hard - classed as a-social
- racially pure - Aryan
- ‘survival of the fittest’ - social darwinism
Traditional German Values
- blood and soil
- had to work the land
Industrial Workers
- working class made up largest section of society
- couldn’t assume Volksgemeinschaft would win them over
- they were essential to Hitler with rearmament to help with economy
- German Labour Front replaced T.Unions
- Strength through joy movement - work hard, be rewarded
- working hours increased
Peasants and Small Farmers
- they liked the Nazis as they offered something for them
- during the economic crisis, their big loans were wiped
- rural prices rose which helped them
- Farm Law: can’t split land, making it more efficient as they wanted to be self-sufficient during the war
- low interest rates
- cheap land available during the war in attempt to make Germany self-sufficient
- introduced law to protect retail 1933 - stopped new dept stores opening (most were jewish)
- important class but had focussed on the upper and peasants
Ideological Opponents
- communists - many sent to camps in 1933
- anyone who didn’t accept the regime e.g Pastor Niemaller, General Staffenburg
Biologically Inferior
- all races to the Nazis seen as inferior (Jews, Gypsies, Slavs)
- mentally and physically disabled
- 1933; ‘Law for the prevention of hereditary diseased offspring’ , allowed for the compulsory sterilisation of those with hereditary conditions
- 1939; euthanasia for children with severe disabilities - Operation T4, 70,000 gassed 1940-41
- behaviour not viewed as acceptable
- social outcasts - alcoholics, prostitutes, workshy
- the orderly were rounded up or organised in Labour Front
- the disorderly imprisoned or sterilised
- homosexuals - couldn’t have children, 15,000 were imprisoned
- Hiter Youth- get ready for army, always surrounded by the Nazi ideology. It was a form of indoctrination, the child should go, all building towards the 1000Yr Reich
- Education - people would get ready for their roles in life. Education had a Nazi twist, emphasis on P.E for war, History and Biology. Teachers had to be loyal to the regime, which made it become a less appealing profession
- 3k’s
- lebensborn, rewards for having children and a grant/loans for having children, all lead to the birth rate between 1933-39 birth rate rose but then slowly declined
- the number of marriages increased, but so did divorce. This is because divorce became easier, making it easier to have more children.
Shop Boycotts
- 1st April 1933
- only lasted a day, as not everyone hated the Jews, and as Hitler wasn’t in a strong position due to A.48, he couldn’t use power to enforce the law.
- It was optional for public, and was therefore abandoned
Nuremburg Laws
- Sept/Oct/Nov 1935 (series of laws)
- banned sexual relations between Germans and Jews
- took away Jewish citizenship
- it was a law, therefore, had to be followed
- 9th November 1938
- destruction of Jewish homes, businesses and shops
- burnt 200 synagogues
- first violence against the Jews, and was government sponsored
Forced Immigration
- 1939
- if you had the funds, it was a safe passage out of Germany, but most couldn’t afford it
- But not many wanted too take in German Jews at time of the war
- When stating they wanted to leave, they put themselves on the Nazi radar for being a Jew
Religion, 3 stage approach
- Control, weaken and remove
Controlling Religion
- Catholics - Concordat July 1933
- Protestants - Reich Church
Reich Church
- umbrella organisation
- designed to control protestants, but them under one church, and some didn’t like that, the Confessional
Confessional Church
- broke away from Reich church 1934
- 5,000 clergy, was popular
- didn’t want state intervention, nothing against Nazis, just wanted to continue as normal
German Christians
- New racially blended Christianity - wanted to continue as normal
German Faith Movement
- Hitler wanted to replace all of religion with it
- ‘SA of the church’
- never actually removed religion
- was doing very well until the war
- perhaps if Germany had either avoided, or won the war, religion may have been removed