Social Policy: Flashcards
What is social policy?
Any attempt made by the government to deal with a social problem
What do left wing support/believe
- state should have role in family life
- nuclear family is desirable
- supports alternate family structures
- supports individualistic gender regimes (none traditional)
What do right wing support/believe?
- state should have limited role in family life
- nuclear family is ideal
- alternate family structures are bad
- sees nuclear family as in decline
- supports familistic gender regimes (traditional)
What year was the conservative government
Policies developed in conservative government
- benefits cut
- child support agency so parents took financial responsibility for child
- failed to introduce free/reduced childcare
- tax/welfare benefits for married couples
When were new labour in gonverment
Policies developed by new labour
- generous maternity leave + paternity leave
- free childcare 2.5 years
- adoption and children act 2002- same sex adopt
- civil partnership act
When were coalition in government
What policies did coalition develop?
- re-introduced tax breaks for married couples
- child benefits became means-tested
- legal aid cut enabled people on low income to access legal services
- same sex marriage act 2010 passed
What does David Morgan say the government are concerned about
- levels of government expenditure
- long term unemployment in families
- rising divorce rates
- increased crime in youths
- link of family and economy
Year of divorce reform act
Year + what is The Beveridge Report
1942- intro to welfare state
Year of sex discrimination
Year of equal pay act
Functionalist view on policies
- any social policy supporting family is positive
- welfare policies allow family to become more specialised
Marxist view on policy
- suspicious
- any social policy offereing financial support to proletariat fams are intneders to distract their attention away from exploitation
- surveillance and controls
Feminist view on policies
- support and criticise existing policies
- shape/define family life that benefits men and maintains patriarchy eg maternity leave
New right view on policies
- opposes state inference in family
- right wing