New Right Flashcards
new right theory
traditional nuclear family plays an important role in shaping moral order of society. parenting encourages discipline, respect, civility, responsibility
new right critical of
lone parent, fatherless families, cohabitation, high divorce rates, gay families- makes family unstable institution
1970 Equal Pay Act- discourages women from natural callings as mothers so neglects kids- maternal deprevation
sees gay families as unnatural and they only desire children to get the benefits that imitate heterosexuality. believes children only outcome of man and womens sexual union. Trophy children may suffer bullying
Bulter 2010
broken families more likely to produce children who will break laws and depend on benefits
one-parent families are more likely produce crime, drug abuse, and educational failure children. lack of positive male role model= mothers lose control over children when in adolescence.
delinquent children
evaluation of new right
not all lone arent families same, Crow and Hardy’s entry and exit factors