Childhood Flashcards
term: Childhood
an innocent period in individuals early life, socially constructed as can vary in other cultures
term: biological determinism
most human characteristics- physical & mental are determined at conception by hereditary factors passed from parents
term: social construction
human characteristics made by societu grow up in, peoples behaviours moulded by surroundings
4 reasons for development of childhood:
- compulsory education
- child labour laws
- decrease in infant mortality rate
- Children Protection & Welfare Legislation
how has children laws developed childhood?
no longer economic asset but economic liability
Children Protection and Welfare Legislation
1989 Children’s Act- welfare of children is fundamental
UN Conventions on Rights of Children- basic rights
culture + history
what are the behaviours and attitudes towards childhood?
aren’t the same everywhere(cross culture) in the world and hasn’t been for all times(historically). not universal
industrialisation impact on childhood
- modern industry needs on educated workforce: requires compulsory schooling
- higher standards of living & better welfare provision: lower IMR
- agriculture to factory production
term: information hierarchy
when children kept out of loop as wasn’t able to access info
conventional approach to childhood
children vunerable & need protection, can’t fend for themselves, adults must make decisions to ensure children cared for
social class differences in childhood
- poor mothers more likely low birth weight babies
- children of unskilled manual workers 3x more likely experience conduct disorders
- child in poor fam likely suffer longstanding illness, fall behind school
ethnicity differences in childhood
- not all children share same status/ experiences
- children from diff nationalities likely experience diff childhoods and chances
- 90% worlds low weight babies born in developing countires
gender differences in childhood- Hillman 1993 & Bonke 1999
- Hillman: boys more likely allowed to cross roads, use buses, go out after dark
- Bonke: girls more domestic labour especially in lone parent fans where do 5x more housework than boys
ethnicity and gender differences in childhood- Brannen 1994 & Bhatti 1999
- Brannen: study if 15-16yr olds found Asian parents stricter towards daughters
- Bhatti: found ideas of Izzat (family honor) could be restriction particularly on behav of girls
Historical Evidence of childhood as social construct: Aries
- looked at paintings
- in middle ages childhood didn’t exist, children as mini adults
- 1700-1800 economic asset
- 1800-1900 economic role marginalised
- 1900-1950 economically worthless
- 1950+ active role in fam
Historical Evidence of childhood as social construct: age of leaving education
compulsory education in 1880-5-10yrs
socially unacceptable & illegal to leave school and work full time ag 12
Historical Evidence of childhood as social construct: age of marriage
minimum legal age for marriage in britain 16 at 1929, before girls married at 12 & boys at 14
Historical Evidence of childhood as social construct: Jane Pitcher 1995
seperated was of childhood from other life phases
children have diff rights and duties from adults & r regulated & protected by laws
Cross Cultural Evidence of childhood as social construct: Wagg 1992
construction of childhood varies across diff historical & cultural societies bf of cross cultural diffs children not always seen as vunerable
Cross Cultural Evidence of childhood as social construct: Punch 2001
children growing up in countryside in Bolivia given responsibilities & work to perform at 5- contrasts western attitudes towards child labour
Cross Cultural Evidence of childhood as social construct: Ruth Benedict
childhood diff in 3 ways
- responsibility at earlier age( Samoan village: children never too young to perform task)
- less value placed on children showing obedience to adults(Tikopia: doing as told not a ribjt to be expected by adult)
- children sexual behaviours often viewed differently(Trobriand Islanders: girls want sex as much as boys)
Neil Postman
Disappearance of childhood due to information hierarchy where children now have access to things usually kept private from them due to media, television and being able to read
Sue Palmer
Toxic Childhood- children spend more time in front of television and screens rather than spending time with family, declines in traditional upbringing
Shorter 1975
society has functional need for better educated citizens + lower IMR= school leaving age increased
conflict theories against childhood getting better
- children now too controlled + too overprotected ‘paranoid parenting’
- Postman
- tech changes resulted in harm to children
- inequalities between children- not equal progress
Iona Opie 1993
- childhood not disappearing
- strong evidence of separate children’s culture like games, rhymes