Social Learning Theory Flashcards
What is social learning theory?
A way of explaining behaviour that includes direct and indirect reinforcement. Combining learning theory with cognitive factors
What is imitation?
Copying the behaviour of others
what is modelling?
Modelling is imitating the behaviour of a role model. Modelling is the precise demonstration of a specific behaviour.
What is Vicarious reinforcement?
Occurs through observing someone else being reinforced for a behaviour.
What is meditational processes?
Cognitive factors that influence learning and come between stimulus and response.
What are assumptions about SLT?
- Bandura agreed with behaviourists and that it is from experience.
- However it is through observation and imitation.
- SLT occurs from classical and operant conditioning but also indirectly
Explain Vicarious Reinforcement?
- For indirect learning to take place individuals observe others.
- In general imitation only happened when we see people be rewarded for behaviour
- The observer observes the consequence
Explain the role of meditational proceces?
- SLT is often the bridge between behaviourist and Cognitive because it focuses on how mental factors are involved in learning
- 4 processes by Bandura were
1. Attention - extent we notice behaviours
2. Retention - How behaviour is remembered
3. Motor reproduction - Ability observer to perform behaviour
4. Motivation - Will to perform often influenced wether there is a reward or punishment
Explain Identification?
- People are more likely to imitate people they identify with.(identification)
- A person becomes a role model if they seen to posses similar characteristics to the observer and/or attractive have a high status.
- role models may not be present
Explain Bandura’s Research?
- Bandura recorded result of young children watching adults behave aggressively towards a Bobo doll. The adult hit the doll and shouted.
- Children behaved much more aggressively towards the doll
- Bandura with Walters showed videos of children acting aggressively. One group saw adults getting praised,2nd told off, 3rd no consequence. 1st showed most aggresion than 3rd, than 2nd
Evaluate strength of SLT?
- recognises importance of cognitive factors in learning. Neither classical or operant can offer they learn on own.
- Humans and animals store information about behaviour of others and make judgements on when it is appropriate to perform them.
Evaluate limitation of SLT?
- Doesn’t make reference to biological factors
- Evidence gained in lab studies. Developed through observation of young children.
- Participants may respond to demand characteristics
- Bcs main purpose was to strike doll they thought that was expected and thats how your meant to do it
- Tells us little about how they learn agression
Evaluate real word application of SLT?
- Explain cultural differences in behaviour
- modelling ,imitation and behaviour can explain how children learn from those around them even media.
- Useful understanding on how people understand their gender role and increases value of real world
Explain another research of SLT?
- Adults may be influenced on tv or video games.
- Two ten year old boys killed a child and they are saying they were influenced by a horror movie.
- Other people argue it is used to frighten the children than frighten others.
- He argues the children did this because of social deprivation or child abuse at their home.