Origins Of Psychology Flashcards
What is Introspection?
The first systematic experimental technique to study the mind by breaking up conscious awareness into thoughts, images and sensations.
What is Psychology?
A scientific study of the mind, behaviour and experience
What is Science?
Acquiring knowledge through systematic and objective investigation. Discover general laws
Explain Wundt’s Lab in Wundt and Introspection?
- In 1879 Wundt opened up the first psychological lab in Leipzig Germany. It marked the beginning of scientific psychology
- Wundts aim was to analyse the nature of human consciousness. And represented the first systematic attempt to study mind under controlled conditions.
- His method was introspection
Explain Wundts Standardised procedures in Wundt and Introspection?
- His main Objective was to develop theories about mental processes like language and perception.
- He and his co-workers recorded experiences they had with stimuli such as sounds and objects.
- Divide into 3 categories. Thoughts, images and sensations.
- They would be given a metronome and report images and sensations.
Explain Structuralism in Wundt and Introspection?
- Isolating consciousness is called structuralism. Stimuli was always presented in same order and same instructions
Explain 1900’s Behaviourists in The emergence of Psychology as a science?
- Value of introspection was questioned and mostly by Watson.
- Introspection was to subjective than objective.
- Watson and Skinner later proposed that psychology should be observed objectively and measured.
- Behaviourists focused on behaviour and would use controlled experiments. They would later dominate for the next 50 years.
Explain the 1950’s Cognitive Approach in The emergence of Psychology as a science?
- Cognitive Scientists likened the mind to a computer. And tested their predictions about memory and attention using experiments.
- Cognitive approach ensures that it is legitimate and highly scientific.
Explain the 1980’s Biological Approach in the emergence of Psychology?
- Researchers have taken advantage in new technology.
- Like fMRI and EGG.
- Genetic testing as well has been made to show relationship between genes and behaviour.
Evaluate Scientific strength of Origins of Psychology?
- Wundts work was systematic and well controlled.
- Introspection were recorded in the lab.
- All participants received same information and tested in same way.
- Wundts research can help behaviourist approach because of this.
Evaluate limitation of Wundt and Origin of psychology?
- Wundt’s research would be unscientific because he relied on participants self reporting their mental processes.
- Participants may of hidden thoughts.
- Difficult to establish laws of behaviour and general laws are used to predict new ones
Evaluate strength in Psychology?
- Psychology claims to be scientific
- Same aims as science and cognitive and behavioural use it. They use lab studies
Evaluate limitation of Psychology?
- Not all approaches use objective methods.
- Humanistic approach rejects scientific approach (Focuses on individual experiences and subjective experiences.)
- Psychodynamic uses case study which doesn’t use representative samples