Social Learning Theory Flashcards
What is SLT?
A way of explaining behaviour that includes both direct and indirect reinforcement, combining learning theory with the role of cognitive factors
What is modelling?
From the observer’s perspective, modelling is imitating the behaviour of a role model. From the role model’s perspective, modelling is the demonstration of a specific behaviour that may be imitated by an observer.
What is observation?
To observe is to watch or listen to behaviour in others.
What is imitation?
Copying behaviour previously observed in others. In SLT imitation is a selective process and only models with key characteristics are likely to be imitated.
What is vicarious reinforcement?
Is experienced when an observer witnesses the model being rewarded in some type of way.
What is attention?
The cognitive process of focussing on a stimulus. In SLT the stimulus is the modelled behaviour
What is retention?
The cognitive process of storing the modelled behaviour in memory
What is reproduction?
The recall and enactment of the modelled behaviour in response to appropriate circumstances
What is motivation?
The force that drives a person to enact the behaviour. In SLT this is the result of vicarious reinforcement.
What are the 4 stages of social learning?
- Attention
- Retention
- Reproduction
- Motivation
What study supports SLT?
Bandura who showed that children would imitate an aggressive model who demonstrated aggression against an inflatable doll, especially if the model was the same sex and was rewarded for doing so
you smell. very bad?
What study showed a weakness SLT is evidence that genetic factors are important as well as environmental infleunces?
Kendler showed that identical twins are more similar in their levels of aggression than non identical twins. This strongly suggests that individual differences in social behaviour like aggressiveness are genetically influenced and not simply a product of different experiences of modelling.