Bandura- 1961 Flashcards
What are the aims of Bandura’s 1961 study?
Bandura aimed to see whether aggressive behaviour could be acquired through observation of aggressive models. More specifically the researchers were interested in whether children were more likely to aggress having observed aggression, whether they selectively imitated same-sex models and whether boys were more prone overall to acquiring aggressive behaviour.
What type of study was Bandura’s 1961 study?
- Lab
- Matched pairs design
How many ppts were in Bandura’s 1961 study?
36 boys and 36 girls
What age was the ppts?
3-6 years old
Where are the ppts from Bandura’s 1961 study?
Stamford University nursery in California
What was the dependent variable in Bandura’s 1961 study?
The level of aggression displayed
What was the independent variable in Bandura’s 1961 study?
- Modelling of aggression
- Sex of model
- same/ different sex model and observer
What were the 3 groups that the children were placed in Bandura’s 1961 study?
- Aggressive group: observed an aggressive adult model attacking a bobo doll
- Non- aggressive group: non aggressive model assembling mechanical toys
- Control group: No model
What happened in step 1 in Bandura’s 1961 study?
Modelling- The children were brought into a room with an observation window and allowed to play with toys (with or without a model present)
What happened in step 2 in Bandura’s 1961 study?
Aggression Arousal- The children were then taken to another room where all the children were deliberately frustrated by being shown new toys and told they were for other children. (If they weren’t frustrated they would not have the ‘urge’ to be aggressive)
What happened in step 3 of Bandura’s 1961 study?
Delayed Imitation- Finally, the children were taken into a playroom containing a range of toys including an inflateable bobo doll . Their behaviour was observed through a one-way mirror by the male model. A second observer was present for half of the ppts to determine inter-rater reliability.
What were the behaviours categorised as?
- Imitative aggression
- Partially imitative
- Non-imitative
Did they find that aggression can be acquired by imitation in Bandura’s 1961 study?
What were the results of Bandura’s 1961 study?
Children who observed the aggressive model gave more aggressive responses than children who observed non-aggressive model. Girls in aggressive condition showed physical aggression if they observed the male model but verbal when observing the female. Boys were more physically aggressive than girls.
What is the conclusion of Bandura’s 1961 study?
Social behaviour such as aggression can be acquired by imitation of models. Imitation is more likely when the modelled behaviour is gender typice (e.g. physical aggression in males) and when the model and observer are of the same gender