Social Influence Questions Flashcards
Briefly outline and evaluate normative social influence as an explanation for conformity. (4)
People agree with the opinion of the majority in order to be liked and gain approval of the group. Leading to compliance where people publicly agree but privately disagree.
Individual differences in how people respond to NSI eg. nAffiliators need to be liked more. ASCH interviewed PPS and found out they conformed to avoid rejection.
Identify and discuss two reasons people have criticised Zimbardo’s prison study. (6)
Ethics- psychological harm to PPS they became distressed.
Zimbardo’s dual role.
Should the distress have been anticipated?
Zimbardos own behaviour may have effected the way results unfolded?
Identify three variables affecting conformity and outline how each were investigated in aschs experiment. (6)
Group size- varied number of confederates conformity rose to group size three
Unanimity- presence of a dissenter reduced conformity
Task difficulty- harder task more conformity
Briefly explain two ways in which psychologists might address ethical issues in social influence research. (4)
Participants should have right to withdraw throughout the study.
Participants should be fully debriefed at the end of the study
Outline the procedures and findings of zimbardos study into