Social Influence Flashcards
What is social learning theory?
Many animals, including humans, can learn by watching others (exhibited by mirror neurons firing both when an action is done and observed)
What is the chameleon effect?
The unconscious mimicry of the nonverbal mannerisms of an interaction partner (positively impacts social interactions)
What did the Chartrand and Bargh (1999) study reveal about the chameleon effect?
Participants didn’t consciously notice behaviors exhibited by their partner but unconsciously copied them → supported the chameleon effect
What is conformity?
A change in behavior to be more in line w/ the majority
What is the difference between informational influence and normative influence?
Other people provide information (informational) vs. pressure to fit in and avoid disapproval (normative)
Internalization with informational, no internalization with normative
What did the Asch (1956) line-judging studies reveal about conformity?
Confederates convinced participants to choose the incorrect line length → 35% conformed the whole time, 75% conformed at least once
What is the ideal group size for conformity?
Milgram’s “looking up at nothing” study → 1 person looking up resulted in 40% of passersby looking up, 2-3 people resulted in 60-65% conforming, and 4 people resulted in 80% conforming
How is unanimity related to conformity?
At least one dissenter will cause conformity to decrease (affects informational and normative influence)
Asch → 1 dissenter caused conformity to drop to 5%
How is anonymity related to conformity?
Responding in front of group members makes conformity more likely (only affects normative influence)
How are status and expertise related to conformity?
If group members are high status or experts → more conformity (only affects normative influence)
What is compliance?
Responding favorably to a direct request (not a demand) made by another person
What is the foot-in-the-door effect?
Accepting a small request → more likely to comply w/ large request later
What did the Freedman & Fraser (1966) drive carefully study reveal about the foot-in-the-door effect?
No initial request → 17% complied w/ big request (drive carefully sign)
Small request first (petition) → 76% complied w/ big request
What is the door-in-the-face effect?
Those who turn down a large request are more likely to comply w/ a more reasonable request
What did the blood donor study reveal about the door-in-the-face effect?
First asked to donate blood long-term, then asked to donate tomorrow → 50% agreed
Only asked to donate tomorrow → 32% agreed