Social Influence Flashcards
What is meant by the term conformity?
When there is a change in a persons behavior or opinion due to a real or imagined pressure:)
What are the three types of conformity?
Internalisation, identification and compliance
What are the two explanations of conformity?
Normative social influen and informational social influence
The desire to be liked
Desire to be right
Bullet point the procedure of ASch’s line study
- -Unambiguous task
- American male undergrads
- groups 7-9, ppt 2nd to last
- 18 trials
- on 12/I8 of these trials, confers all gave same wrong answer
Findings of Asch’s line study
-33% conformity rate on average
- 75% at least once
- 25% never conformed
Variations affecting conformity
- Group size - 1or2 = 13% → 3or4 = 33%
- social support → 5.5 %
-task difficulty↑= conformity ↑
Line study evaluation
→ high levels of control, extraneous variables reduced, con reduce eco validity, may not be generalisable
→ lacks population validity, male psych undergrads, sample is gender biased, not generalisable
→ unethical - deception I would’ve ruined the experiment due to demand characteristics, observing true conformity
Zimbardo’s prison experiment procedure
→ informational social influence
- mock prison
→ 24 malepsychstudents prisoner or guard randomly allocated
-Prisoner→ arrested, smocks, number , 3 to a cell and a cap
- guard → correctional officer , night sticks sunglasses and told to “keep control”
Zimbardo’s prison experiment results
→ lasted 6 of the 14 days it was supposed to
→ 1/3 of guards showed sadistic tendencies
-S guards conformed to social roles due to ISI
→ prisoners anxious depressed(experienced deindividuation)
→ conclusion- guards untrained ‘ given ambiguous statement, guards copied eachothers behavior due to ISI
Zimbardo prison experiment evaluation
→ high levels of control _ all guards treated same al prisoners treated same however lacks eco validity may not be generalisable
→ real world app - Iraqi war
→ lack population validity, gender biased, not generalisable
→ unethical, no protection from harm
Milgram shock experiment procedure
→tried to explain holocaust, how far would people listen to orders by an authority figure
→ 40 male volunteers (20 - 50)
→ introduced to Mr Wallace on arrival, drew straws that were fixed, teacher + learner (mr Wallace)
→ separated, it learner made a mistake they were to be punished’ teacher in room with the experimentor
» 15v-450 v _ at 300 V Mr Wallace pounded on wall, then again at 315V with no response for the rest of the procedure
Prods in milgrams shock experiment
Please continue/go on
The experiment requires that you continue
It is absolutely essential that you continue
You have no other choice you must go on
Results of milgram shock experiment
→ obedience of 65% (people who went to 450v
→ only 3 people stopped 300V
→ people were debriefed