Psychopathology Flashcards
What is statistical infrequency?
The mathematical way of identifying abnormality, lowest on the distribution graph
Evaluation of statistical infrequency
→ some abnormalities are seen as desirable
→ no clear cut off point
What is deviation from social norms?
When people do not follow the expected behaviour in society
Evaluation of deviation from social norms
-Norms vary over time (homosexuality)
→ culturally relative
What is the failure to function adequately?
When people cannot deal with the demands of everyday life ~ irrational or dangerous severe distress
Evaluation of failure to function adequately
» Culturally relative
» doesn’t consider the individual (introvert)
What is deviation from ideal mental health?
Someone does not meet a criteria for ideal mental health
→ Jahoda’s criteria
~ positive self attitude, environmental mastery personal autonomy self actualisation, stress resistance
Evaluation of jahoda’s criteria
→ unrealistic criteria
→ culturally relative
What is a phobia?
→ anxiety disorder
→ extreme anxiety and irrational fears
→ 2.6% uk have a clinical phobia
Emotional behavioral and cognitive characteristics of phobias
→emotional ~ anxiety, fear
→ behavioral ~ avoidance, panic
→ cognitive ~ recognition of phobia irrational beliefs
What is the two process model?
The two process model shows that phobias are acquired through classical conditioning and maintained through operant conditioning
What is classical conditioning and operant conditioning?
Learning through association, now phobias are acquired, an unconditioned stimulus (the original phobia ) is in association with an unconditioned response (such as fear) , a neutral stimulus s (something you don’t initially fear) plus the unconditioned stimulus = a conditioned stimulus this thing we did not initially fear then gives a conditioned response of fear. This fear is then maintained, where there is positive reinforcement when the individual avoids the stimulus with a response, meaning the reward is no anxiety, so the phobia is maintained,
Evaluation of 2 process model
→ useful~ treatments, systematic desensitisation~ reductionist
→ face validity ~ learning through association and rewards in everyday life
→ ignores cognitive factors~ thoughts about fear, not just behavior not complete explanation
What is depression?
Depression is a mood disorder, around 2.6% of the uk have this disorder, negative thoughts, lowered activity and sadness
Emotional behavioural and cognitive characteristics of depression
Emotional ~ sadness, low self esteem, worthless
behavioral ~ lowered activity levels restless
Cognitive~ lack of Concentration, negative thoughts
Cognitive approach to depression
→ depression = faulty information processing (focus on the negative)
→ schema = cognitive mental framework
→becks negative triad, automatic thinking, negative view about self, future, world
~> Ellis abc model, activating event, beliefs, consequences(emotions and behaviour)
What is OCD?
OCD is an anxiety disorder that 1.3 of the uk population have, it contains obsessions and compulsions.
Emotional behavioral and cognitive characteristics of OCD
- Emotional -anxiety, stress guilt
- benavioral - repetitive behavior / compulsions
- cognitive - intrusive doubts thoughts and ideas
Thought → anxiety → compulsive behavior → temporary relief → thought…