Social Influence Flashcards
Definition of conformity
‘Changes in individuals’ behaviours and/or beliefs as a result of real or imagined group pressure’
most superficial and least permanent level of conformity. Individuals publicly change their beliefs and behaviours to be in line with a group and to fit in, but in private, revert back to original belief systems and behaviours
private as well as public acceptance. Individuals look to a group for guidance and adjust their behaviour and belief to those of a group. The individual accepts the attitudes and behaviours they are adopting as right but the purpose of them accepting the attitudes and behaviours is to be accepted as a member of the group. When the group is no longer seen as valuable, behaviour may revert back.
deepest and most permanent level of conformity. Individuals publicly and privately change their behaviours and belief systems to go along with a group norm, because we internalise them, the behaviour lasts when the majority are no longer present.
ISI is driven by the desire to be right. When an individual is unsure about how to behave, they conform by seeking information from the group about how to behave and assume that it is right. This is a cognitive process.
This explanation of conformity leads to internalisation, in which individuals publicly and privately change their views to be in line with a group.
Explanations of Conformity: NORMATIVE SOCIAL INFLUENCE
NSI is driven by our desire to be liked. An individual will ‘go along with’ a group’s behaviour in order to avoid ridicule and gain acceptance from them and fit in. This is an emotional process.
This explanation of conformity leads to compliance, in which individuals publicly change their views to be in line with the group, but privately revert back to their original views.
Evaluation of explanations of conformity: AO3
:) Research to support ISI as an explanation of conformity was conducted by Jenness, participants were asked to individually estimate the number of jelly beans in a jar, then decide on a group estimate and finally, have a last private, individual guess, Jenness found that participants second private estimate was significantly closer to the groups estimate than their own original estimate. Therefore supporting ISI as an explanation of conformity BECAUSE the task was ambiguous and as the participants were unsure of the answer, they sought information from the group and changed their estimate publicly and privately to be right.
:( However, the research to support ISI as an explanation for conformity, by Jenness, lacks ecological validity. This is because the study took place in an artificial environment (lab). Therefore, it is difficult to generalise the findings to real life examples of ISI as in real life, people may be less likely to conform to a group as there may be consequences for their actions, unlike in an artificial lab setting. Thus, further reducing the external validity of the research in to ISI and questioning ISI as an explanation of conformity.
:) Research to support NSI as an explanation of conformity was conducted by Asch, participants were asked to state which line a, b, or c was closest in length to stimulus line ‘x’. Confederates answered first and gave an incorrect answer. Asch found that participants conformed and said the same wrong answer as the confederates 37% of the time. Therefore supporting NSI as an explanation of conformity BECAUSE the task was unambiguous and the participants later stated they knew the answer but conformed in order to avoid ridicule from the group, which is what NSI suggests.
Asch’s conformity research
Aim: To investigate the effects of a majority opinion on individuals’ judgements.
Method: Lab experiment.
Sample: 123 American male students
* Participants were individually placed into groups with 7 to 9 confederates.
* Participants were asked to say which line (A, B or C) was the same length as the standard line (X). Participants were always last or second to last to answer.
* On 12/18 trials, the confederates gave identical wrong answers.
* A control group of 36 participants were individually tested without confederates.
Findings: On average, the real participants gave a wrong answer 37% of the time when a confederate was present.
Post-experiment interviews found that the majority of participants conformed publicly during the experiment, but not privately, as they wanted to avoid ridicule.
Conclusions: This supports NSI as participants conformed publicly, but not privately in order to be accepted by the group.
Variables affecting conformity: Group Size
Conformity rates increase as the size of a majority group increases, to a certain point
- When there was one real participant and one confederate conformity was 3%
- When there were two confederates and one real participant conformity increased to 13%
- When there were three confederates and one real participant conformity increased to 32%
- However, conformity plateaued after this.
- Suggesting that the size of the majority does have an effect on conformity but only to a point
Variables affecting conformity: Unanimity
- In the original Asch study the confederates all gave the same wrong answer and conformity was 37%
- However when Asch varied his study and had one confederate give the correct answers throughout the research conformity dropped to 5.5%
- When a ’lone’ confederate gave a different wrong answer, conformity dropped to 9%
- Asch concluded that when a dissenter breaks the group’s unanimous position conformity decreases.
Variables affecting conformity: Task Difficulty
Conformity increases when the difficulty of a task increases.
- When the difficulty of the task increased conformity rates increased.
- As the right answer becomes less obvious we lose confidence in our own ability and are more likely to conform.
Variables affecting conformity: AO3
:) Research to support the variables affecting conformity was conducted by Lucas et al. He asked students to solve ‘easy’ and ‘hard’ maths problems. Participants were given three other answers from other ‘students’(not actually real). The participants conformed more often when the problems were difficult rather than easy. Therefore supporting Asch’s research into variables affecting conformity BECAUSE it suggests that when the task is harder, conformity increases.
:( Asch’s research into variables affecting conformity can be criticised as it is gender bias, as only males were tested. Therefore, it is difficult to generalise the findings to females as they may have different conformity rates to males. For example, it is suggested that females might be more conformist because they are more concerned about social relationships and are more concerned with being liked by their peers (Neto, 1995). This weakens the external validity of research into variables affecting conformity.
:( Research variables affecting conformity lacks ecological validity. This is because the study took place in an artificial environment (lab). Therefore, it is difficult to generalise the findings to real life examples of conformity as in real life, people may be less likely to conform to a group as there may be consequences for their actions, unlike in an artificial lab setting. Thus, further reducing the external validity of the research in to variables affecting conformity.
Conformity to Social roles (Zimbardo)
AIM: To investigate how freely people would conform to the roles of guard and prisoner in a mock prison.
SAMPLE: A volunteer sample of 24 ’emotionally stable’ US male university students
* The volunteers were randomly allocated each student to the role of prisoner or guard.
* Prisoners – Arrested at their homes, dressed in smock uniforms. They were referred to as a number rather than by name.
* Guards – Given uniforms, a ‘night stick’ and mirrored glasses. They were instructed to keep the prisoners under control but to use no physical violence.
* These uniforms created a loss of personal identity, encouraging participants to conform to their social role.
* The basement of the psychology department at Stanford University was converted into a mock prison.
* Zimbardo took on the role of prison superintendent. If a ‘prisoner’ wanted to leave, they had to go through a parole process.
* Within a day the prisoners rebelled
* As the experiment continued, the punishments by the guards escalated.
* Identification was noticeable by the prisoners referring to each other and themselves by their prison numbers instead of their names.
* Three prisoners were released early due to showing symptoms of psychological disturbance.
* Intended to run for two weeks, but was called off after just six days.
* Guards, prisoners and researchers conformed to their role within the prison.
* Social roles have an extraordinary power over individuals, making even the most well-adjusted capable of extreme brutality towards others.
Zimbardo & Conformity to Social Roles: AO3
:( One criticism of Zimbardo’s research in to conformity to social roles is that it is prone to demand characteristics. This is because within his procedure, Zimbardo took on the role of the prison superintendent. Therefore, Zimbardo could have influenced how the participants acted within the study. For example they may have conformed to their role because this is what they believed Zimbardo wanted them to do, rather than because they were actually conforming to their social role of prisoner or guard due to the prison environment. The fact the participants were paid for taking part in this experiment may have influenced this further. Therefore lowering the internal validity of the research into conformity to social roles.
:( A further weakness of Zimbardo’s research is that there were major ethical issues. There was a lack of informed consent, as the prisoners did not consent to being arrested at their homes. In addition, there was a lack of the right to withdraw, when one prisoner wanted to leave he spoke to Zimbardo and had to ask to be ‘released’ from the prison, Zimbardo responded as the superintendent, rather than an experimenter with a responsibility to the participant. Finally, the prisoners were not protected from harm as some showed signs of psychological disturbance.
Counter argument: However, it could be argued that the findings from the research into conformity to social roles outweigh the ethical issues; moreover, Zimbardo carried out debriefing sessions with the participants for several years afterwards, and concluded that there were no long lasting negative effects.
:) Zimbardo’s research has practical applications as it can be used to predict and explain behaviour in the real world. The actions displayed by soldiers in Abu Ghraib military prison in Iraq were found to be similar to Zimbardo’s findings as prisoners were tortured, humiliated and physically abused. Therefore, Zimbardo’s research can be used when developing prevention programmes to be used for training purposes in prisons. This means that it has become an important part of applied psychology and has good external validity.
Define the term Obedience to authority
This is a type of social influence where somebody acts in response to a direct order from a figure with perceived authority. The person who receives the order may also respond in a way that they would have not done without the order