Memory Flashcards
Features of the Sensory Memory, Short Term Memory & Long Term Memory
Sensory Register:
Coding = Modality Specific
Capacity = Unlimited
Duration = Limited – less than 0.5 seconds
Short Term Memory:
Coding = Acoustic
Capacity = 5-9 items
Duration = Limited - 18-30 seconds
Long Term Memory:
Coding = Semantic
Capacity = Unlimited
Duration = lifetime
Define coding
the way in which information is stored into memory, for example, the short-term memory codes acoustically
Aim: To investigate how we code information in our STM.
Procedure: Showed participants lists of words in 4 categories
(1) Acoustically similar (cat, sat, mat, bat)
(2) Acoustically dissimilar (tree, house, flour)
(3) Semantically similar (kip, doze, nap, sleep)
(4) Semantically dissimilar (cake, book, plane)
Immediately after each presentation, participants were asked to recall the lists in the CORRECT ORDER.
More mistakes made on the acoustically similar list.
Suggests STM mainly codes information acoustically.
Aim: To investigate how we code information in our LTM.
Procedure: Showed participants lists of words in 4 categories
(1) Acoustically similar (cat, sat, mat, bat)
(2) Acoustically dissimilar (tree, house, flour)
(3) Semantically similar (kip, doze, nap, sleep)
(4) Semantically dissimilar (cake, book, plane)
20 minutes after each presentation, participants were asked to recall the lists in the CORRECT ORDER.
More mistakes made on the semantically similar list.
Suggests LTM mainly codes information semantically.
Define capacity
The amount of information that can be held in the memory for example short term memory is limited to 9-5 items.
Aim: To investigate the capacity of the STM
He used “the digit span technique“. Participants were given strings of unrelated digits that increased by one digit every time. The participant’s digit span was measured until the point where they could no longer recall the digits in the correct sequence.
Participants could recall 5-9 items, more could be recalled if items were ‘chunked’. E.g. participants can remember 5 words just as well as 5 letters.
Capacity of STM is limited. Our digit span can be increased by putting several items into a meaningful chunk.
Define duration
The length of time information can be held in the memory for example, the duration of STM is 18-30 seconds
Aim: To investigate the duration of the STM
Sample: 24 Undergraduate students
Procedure: Participants were briefly presented with a consonant trigram to remember. They were then given a three digit number and asked to count backwards from this number to prevent rehearsal. They were stopped at different intervals and asked to recall the consonant trigram.
After 3 seconds only 80% recalled the trigram correctly. After 18 seconds fewer than 10% recalled correctly.
information in the STM lasts 18 – 30 seconds, unless it is rehearsed.
Aim: To investigate the duration of the LTM
Bahrick tested 392 American high school graduates aged between 17 and 74 on their memory of their former classmates. In Condition 1 they had to recall the names of classmates using a photo yearbook, in condition 2 they had to recall the names of their class with no photo cue.
In condition one, 70% of participants recalled accurately after 48 years.
In condition two, 30% of participants recalled accurately after 48 years
This shows certain types of information can potentially last a lifetime, especially with the correct cues.
Coding, Capacity & Duration AO3
The research into (duration in the STM) lacks mundane realism,
as the task of (recalling consonant trigrams) is artificial.
Therefore, it is difficult to generalise the findings (that information lasts 18-30 seconds) to real life examples of the duration of STM, as the research does not reflect most real life memory activities where what we are trying to remember is meaningful.
Thus lowering the external validity of the research into (the duration of STM).
The research into (coding of the LTM) has high control over extraneous variables
as it was carried out in a controlled setting (lab), for example (the lists of words would be matched on their difficulty and each words would be shown to participants for the same amount of time).
This means that we are more likely to establish cause and effect between the IV (the list of words) and the DV (accurate recall).
Therefore increasing the internal validity of the research into (the coding of the LTM).
Research into the (capacity of STM) is praised for having high reliability.
This is because the research was carried out in a controlled environment (lab),
therefore the research could be repeated in the same conditions (for example, the same standardised instructions, the same digits given to participants and shown for the same amount of time),
in order to check for consistent results in to (the capacity of STM).
Bahrick’s research into duration in the LTM is high in mundane realism, as the research assessed real life memories of the individual’s old classmates. This is a strength because it is something you might find yourself doing in everyday life, for example, searching for an old friend on social media. Therefore it may be easier to generalise the research findings of the duration of LTM to other real life applications, increasing the external validity of the research in to the duration of LTM.
However, critics may argue that the research into duration of LTM has low control over extraneous variables, as the research did not take place in a controlled environment. For example, how much contact the participants had with classmates after leaving school was not controlled. Therefore, cause and effect cannot be clearly established between the IV (length of time passed) and the DV (accurate recall of classmates) so firm conclusions cannot be drawn on the duration of LTM, reducing the internal validity of the research findings.
Multi-store model of memory
Atkinson and Shiffrin’s multi-store model describes how information flows through memory. It is a structural model stating that Sensory, Short Term Memory (STM) and Long Term Memory (LTM) are separate unitary stores, and that information flows through the system in a linear way.
- A stimulus from the environment will pass in to the sensory register. This part of memory has several stores and coding in each store is modality specific. The two main stores are echoic and iconic
- Information in the sensory register has a duration of less than a second. The capacity of the sensory register is high.
- Information passes from the sensory register to the STM only if attention is paid to it. If it is not being paid attention to, the information decays
- STM is a limited capacity store, the capacity of information is 5-9 items. Information in the STM is coded acoustically and the duration of information is 18-30 seconds, unless it is rehearsed.
- If maintenance rehearsal occurs it can increase the length of time the information is held in STM. If the information is rehearsed enough, it will pass to the LTM.
- LTM is a potentially permanent store for information that has been rehearsed for a prolonged time. Psychologists believe that the capacity is potentially unlimited and that information can last a lifetime in the LTM. The LTM codes information semantically.
- To recall information, it has to be transferred from LTM to STM, in a process called retrieval.
Multi-Store Model of Memory AO3
Research to support Atkinson and Shiffrin’s multi-store model of memory comes from a case study of Clive Wearing. He suffers from amnesia in which he
cannot transfer information from his STM to his LTM, this is evident as when his wife re-enters the room after leaving just seconds before, he greets her as if it is the first
time he has seen her in years. This supports the multi-store model of memory BECAUSE it shows that STM and LTM are separate stores and that information must
flow through in a linear way, first to STM then LTM.
Discussion: However, critics would argue that the case study to support the MSM is flawed, as it has low population validity. The research was a case study of just one person, Clive Wearing, who has an unusual illness involving damage to the brain. Therefore, it is difficult to generalise the findings to the wider population as their memory may operate differently, thus limiting the support that the research provides for the multistore model of memory.
Moreover, it is suggested that the MSM could be too simplistic in stating that STM and LTM are unitary stores. For example, research in to the STM conducted on patient KF, who suffered from amnesia, found that KF’s recall in STM for digits was very poor when the digits were read aloud to him, but recall was much better when KF could read the digits himself. This suggests that there must be different stores within the STM, one to process visual and one to process auditory information, casting doubt on the theories assumption that the STM is unitary.
Procedural memory (LTM) :
responsible for knowing how to do things, i.e. memory of motor skills, such as riding a bike.
Procedural memories are non-declarative, they do not involve conscious thought
The area of the brain responsible for procedural long-term memories is the Cerebellum and Motor Cortex.
Semantic memory (LTM) – ‘Knowing that’
responsible for storing knowledge about the world. For example, knowledge about the meaning of words/ general knowledge
Semantic memories are declarative, they do not involve conscious thought. not ‘time stamped’
The brain area responsible for semantic long-term memories is the Temporal Lobe.
Episodic memory (LTM)
responsible for storing information about events that we have experienced in our lives at a specific time, for example our first day of school.
Episodic memories involve conscious thought and they are declarative. ‘time stamped’
The brain area responsible for episodic long-term memories is the Hippocampus.
Types of LTM AO3
The research into the different types of LTM, such as that described above, can be praised as it uses scientific methods. Objective and empirical techniques such as brain scans, which are used in order to identify the different parts of the brain that become active when completing different types of LTM tasks, for example the cerebellum and motor cortex being active when carrying a procedural task. Therefore, it could be argued that this increases the overall internal validity of the research into types of long term memory, thus raising Psychology’s scientific status.
To further evaluate the different types of long term memory, it has real life evidence from a case study of Clive Wearing. He suffers from amnesia in which his episodic memory was damaged as he could not remember some events from his past, for example his musical education. However, Clive’s procedural memory was still working as he can remember how to play the piano. Therefore if only certain areas of his LTM are damaged it supports that there are different types of long term memory.
However, this research to support can be criticised as it has low population validity. This is because the research was a case study, using only Clive as a participant who suffers from an unusual illness involving damage to the brain. Therefore, it is difficult to generalise the findings of the different types of LTM to the wider population as their LTM may operate differently, thus limiting the support that the research provides for the different types of LTM.
Working memory model
Baddeley and Hitch proposed the Working Memory Model as an explanation of how the STM works. They proposed that the STM was not a unitary store, but a number of different stores, which are all connected but work independently.
The central executive is an attentional process that monitors incoming data and DECIDES what needs to be done and when and DELEGATES tasks accordingly to the slave systems, it can code any type of information.
The central executive keeps any eye on what is happening in the slave systems and takes over the most DEMANDING task where necessary. Any task that is new/requires concentration will overload the central executive as it has a very limited capacity.
AUDITORY information is passed from the CE to the phonological loop.
Baddeley further subdivided the PL into 2 parts;
THE PHONOLOGICAL STORE – which stores the words we hear, like an inner ear.
THE ARTICULATORY LOOP – silently repeats words that are seen or heard, to keep them in memory, like an inner voice.
VISUAL information is passed from the CE to the Visual-spatial sketchpad, like an inner eye.
It is responsible for setting up mental images and is what you use if you have to plan a spatial task. It TEMPORARILY stores VISUAL info and SPATIAL information.
The visual cache – which stores visual data.
The inner scribe – which records the arrangement of objects in the visual field.
The episodic buffer is a general store that collects and combines information from the CE, PL and VSS to record an event. The EB transfers information to the LTM and is used to retrieve information from the LTM to the STM. The EB has a LIMITED CAPACITY (4 chunks) and can CODE ANY TYPE of information
Working Memory Model AO3
Research to support the WMM was conducted by Shallice and Warrington (1970) on patient KF, who suffered with amnesia. They found that KF’s recall in STM for digits was very poor when the digits were read aloud to him, but recall was much better when KF could read the digits himself. This supports the WMM BECAUSE it suggests that there must be different stores within the STM, one to process visual information (VSS) and one to process auditory information (PL), as the PL was damaged but the VVS intact.
However, critics would argue that the case study to support the WMM is flawed, as it has low population validity. The research was a case study of just one person, patient KF, who has an unusual illness involving damage to the brain. Therefore, it is difficult to generalise the findings to the wider population as their STM may operate differently, thus limiting the support that the research provides for the working memory model of memory.
Studies of dual task performance support the notion that there are separate components within the STM and that they have a limited capacity. For example, Baddeley et al (1975) found that participants had more difficulty when performing two visual tasks at the same time (using a pointer to track a light moving around a screen and imagining a capital letter ‘F’ and mentally moving the letter) than when performing one of the visual tasks alone or one of the visual tasks with a verbal task (such as saying ‘the’ repeatedly). This supports the WMM assumptions BECAUSE it suggests that both visual tasks are competing for limited capacity of the same slave system (VSS) whereas when doing a verbal and visual task simultaneously, they are delegated to separate slave systems (VSS and PL) and performance is not reduced as there is no competition for capacity. Therefore, the credibility of the WMM as a model of memory is increased.