social influence Flashcards
reasons for conforming
fear of appearing foolish belief that everyone else must be right belief that others are conforming important to be validated by others fear of spoiling study
informational social influnce
fear-full that they didn’t understand, belief they’re wrong
reliance on others comments /actions as an indication of what’s to be correct
normative social influence
fear of seeming inferior, more pleasant if one is in agreement
desire to avoid being criticized and disproved
fear justified??
inverted paradigm-> confederate openly &loudly ridiuled for giving wrong answer
Ps witnessed incorrect answers but gaves their answer privalety (elimineted fear ) ->conformity plummeted
tight-> strong norms & low tolerence of deviant behaviour
Loose-> weak norms & high tolerance of deviant behaviour
when someone gives an answer different to the majority, conformity drops
people are influenced by unanimous opinion
changing one’s behavior / beliefs in response to pressure from others (real or imagined) implicit & explicit
mindlessly imitate others behaviour and movements
conformity results from automatic mimicry
reasons for mimicry
- ideomotor action: thinking about a behavior makes performing it more likely
- > brain regions responsible for perception overlap w those responsşble for action
-foster social connection: people like those who mimic them more than those who don’t
compliance: reason based
- norm reciprocity: should provide benefits for those who provide benefits
- door in the face: a large favor (likely to be refused) followed by small favor ( concession)
- foot in the door: initial small request followed by large request (real behavior of interest)
compliance: emotion based
positive mood:
+ increases compliance
-maintain good emotional state by helping someone
-optimistic about other peoples motives
negative mood:
action to help someone else makes us feel better about ourselves
compliance: compliance norm based
people are influenced by social encironment
two types of social norms:
-İnjunctive/prescriptive norms: what we think others think we should be doing
-descriptive: what we think others are doing
knock on effect of norm violation
situation in which norms are violated, people are more likely to break other norms aswell
social norms
assumptions about what other people do/ approve of affect our thinking and behaviour
milgram experiment
ordinary people can eaasily be part of destructive and violent acts
reactance theory
predicts that the moment you feel your freedom is being taken away, it becomes more precious and desire to maintain it increases
explanation for obedience ,traditional:
- mindlessly follow
- ‘agentic state’: admit responsibilities for action to those In authority
explanation for obedience: alternative
social identity theory:
-obedience depends on how much we identify w authority and ‘victim’
-increased identification w authority increase obedience
increased identification w victim reduce obedience
-> identification based fellowship