social cognition Flashcards
framing effect
way that info is presented has an influence on judgement/evaluation
like: order of presentation or how smt is worded
order effect
content not altered only order
- primacy effect: disproportionate influence on judgment by info presented first
- recency effect: disproportionate influence on judgment by info presented last
- ->basic attention and memory processes
Ash (1946)
1) intelligent industrious …. envious
2) envious stubborn … intelligent
- -> primacy effect, early info more important
other types of framing
(used in marketing, politics) interpretative frame: highlighting features: cost or quality or technology
providing the audience w a frame in which they should be interpreting info
valence framing
changing valence of event, issue,object, situation
- positive valence: ‘goodness’ of smt
- negative valence: ‘badness’ of smt
–>salience/ focus of attention
increased activation of particular stimulus
but attitude strength & attitude relevance
diff type of valence framing
- attribute framing
- goal framing
- risky choice framing
attribute framing
manipulate object in alternative ways, highlight different attributes
ex: medşcal treatment as survival rates vs mortality rates
meat as 75% lean vs 25% fat
positive and negative framing
goal framing
frames the goal of action or behaviour
focus of potential provide benefit (gain/+) or potential avoid negative consequences (loss/ -)
-gain frame
-loss frame (more powerful)
Loss aversion (related to goal framing)
tendency for loss to have more psycho impact than an equivalent gain (negativity bias)
risky choice framing
loss vs gain framing,in context where people have to choose between two diff options that include diff levels of risk
-> more likely to take risks if decision framed in terms of avoiding losses
temporal framing
smt framed as occuring npw or in the future (distant)
thinking about actions/events within a particular time perspective.
psychological distance (e.g: now vs later, here vs there, me vs someone else) affects decisions and behaviours
construal level theory
outlines relationship between psycho distance and how we think about smt
abstract thought: distant actions/ events
-high: less details, general schema
-low: concrete details
concrete thought: near actions/ events
confirmation bias
seek our evidence that would support proposition rather than info that would contradict .
treatment of evidence in favour to own position
effects info selection and interpretation
issues with confirmation bias
assimilate new info in biased manner which results in attitude polarisation
polarisation: dismiss opposing evidence
leads to false beliefs
overconfidence bias
tendency to have greater confdence in their judgments and decisions than their actual accuracy merits
people’s confidence exceed their accuracy
motivated confirmation bias
tendency to accept what we want to believe more easily compared to what we don’t want to believe
system of thought/ decision making
-intuitive system fast, automatic, unconscious -rational system slower and controlled conscious -> influences judgment
‘mental shortcuts’
intuitive mental operations= allow to make variety of judgment quickly and effectively (can lead to error)
-important in perception and decision making
availability heuristic
judgment of frequency rely on how easily pertinent instances come to mind
representativeness heuristic
judgment of likelyhood based on existing prototype that already exists in our minds
indv. and grp prototype
between cause and effect
planning fallacy
overestimating how quickly/easily one can achieve goal
tendency to be unreallistically optimistic
people highly confident about predictions
anchoring and adjustemt heuristic
people perform few steps computation and estimate product by adjustment (which is insufficient)
1) general underestimation
2) higher estimates for descending rather than ascending
(descending: 8-7-6…2-1
ascending: 1-2-3…7-8)
why we commit planning fallacy ?
focus on factors u can control, steps that’ll be taken but neglect past/similar experiences w finishing
-> neglect prior probabilities (representativeness heuristic)
anchoring &adjustment heuristic problems
insufficient adjustment
social situation of anchoring and adjustment
when making judgment about someone
we use the self as anchor (what we would do? how we would react? etc..)
-egocentric bias
tend to think other people are like us, see the world like we do
role of info
when making decision/judgment use info to derive that judgment
quality of info: -completedness
minimal info, impression formation
judgements about: trustworthiness, competence, aggressiveness, likability etc…
first hand info
experiencing things: seeing, hearing,feeling
->can be more accurate bc hasn’T been modified by secondary person
problems w first hand info
attention and motivational biases= skew info we acquire
second hand info
what people tell us: gossip,new, books etc…
quality of info affected by:
motivations, biases, intentional & unintentional goals
-misleading -entertainment
-persuasion. -profit making
negativity bias
attract attention and have greater psycho impact
bc has implications for wellbeing,
bottom-up vs top-down processing
behavior ->trait