prejudice and discrimination Flashcards
-beliefs about typical characteristics of members of a grp/social category
-overemphasize negative attributes
-underestimate variablity within grp
->make judgment about person on indv.level: logical fallacy
use when info is ambiguous/inedequate
affective response towards a grp/member
- evaluative (- or +) often negative
- based on prejudgment
high prejudice= more stereotypes
negative behaviour towar inds. based on grp membership
- blatant: historical
- subtle: jokes (increse tolerence)
positive discrimination
favourable assessment
- benevolent sexism: affection for woman (inferiority to men)
- hostile sexism: dislike women in power
social categorisation
lead to stereotype and prejudice
perceive the world as social categories
problems w positive discrimination
- can justify holding negative stereotypes
- prevent equality
illusory correlation
distinct events capture attention, two distinct events combined: stand out more -> paired distinctiveness -over representation in memory minority stands out catches attention =cognitive illusion
hamilton (1976)
stereotype occur without real evidence
negative and positive stereotypes in minorities
leads to prejudice
biased attribution
dual process model of social cognition
automatic: unintentional, effortless, unconscious
controlled: intentional, effortful, conscious
implicit vs. explicit: stereotypes and prejudice
Devine (1989)
dissociation model of stereotypes
1) knowledge about stereotype- culturally shared
2) automatic activation
3) -> does not necessarily lead to stereotypical/prejudice responding
- low prejudice: engage in controlled processes to prevent automatic stereotypes
Devine study 1
Ps listed knowledge of content cultural steretypes
->knowledge of stereotypes is independent of prejudice
devine study 2
measured level of rasicm
Ps were flashed words, stereotypes or neutral
read scenario ambigious hostile behaviour
Ps in stereotypes grp, rated person as hostile
->activation of stereotypes is automatic
devine study 3
Ps listed alternative for Black americans then listed honest thoughts (anonymously)
- high in prejudice listed - beliefs
- low in prejudice listed + beliefs
- > automatic stereotypes (prejudice) can be overcome
devine study 3
Ps listed alternative for Black americans then listed honest thoughts (anonymously)
- high in prejudice listed - beliefs
- low in prejudice listed + beliefs
- > automatic stereotypes (prejudice) can be overcome
implicit measure
insight in stereotypes and prejudice
automatic / uncontrolled processes
people have subtle stereotypes/prejudice they would deny having
grp level explanation:economic perspective
competition over scarce resources -> stereotypes, prejudice, discirmination
grp level explanation:economic perspective
Robbers cave study phase 1
formation of grp
- camping hiking swimming playing
- develop: norma, roles, structure (leader&followers)
- named themselves (rattlers and eagles)
grp level explanation:economic perspective
robbert cave study, phase 2
intergroup conflict
-‘others’ ‘those guys’ ‘they’ ‘outsiders’
-requested sport competition
-dev of negative intergrp stereotypes/attitudes
-incresed within grp solidarity
-violent acts
(eagles burned flag of rattlers)
(rattlers raided cabin of eagles)
->chnage in intergrp relations: reluctant leader replaced by bully leader
grp level explanation:economic perspective
robbert cave study, phase 2
intergroup conflict -'others' 'those guys' 'they' 'outsiders' -requested sport competition -dev of negative intergrp stereotypes/attitudes -incresed within grp solidarity -violent acts (eagles burned flag of rattlers) (rattlers raided cabin of eagles) ->chnage in intergrp relations:
grp level explanation:economic perspective
robbers cave study results
ease of antagonism created between grps
- negative intergp relations (stereotypes,prejudice,discrimination)
- negative inertgrp attitude
- insults confrontational acts
- ingrp favorism & outgrp derogation
grp level explanation:economic perspective
realistic grp conflict
compettion over limiited resources->prejudice and discrimination
eco diff increases prejudice/discrimination
strongest from grp that lose
grp level explanation:economic perspective
ingrp glorified
-incresed loyalty
outgrp vilified
-more stereotype & maltreatment
motivational perspective
prejudice, resulst from motivation, view one’s ingrp more favourably than outgrp
bc we derive our self from our membership in the grp
->self serving motivation
motivational perspectiveminimal grp paradigm
minimal condition from group biases is being a grp member
social identity
part of self concept derived from grp membership
value and emotional significance associated w group membership
motivational perspective social identity theory
people strive from + grp identity and worth
people compare own grp w other grp
seek to differentiate own grp positively from other grps
positive differentiation
make the grp positively different from outgrp
ingrp bias does not reflect discrimination but differentiation