Social groups and beliefs- Gender Flashcards
Sociologist who believes this?
Miller and Hoffmann
Miller and Hoffmann, what do they believe?
-More likely to express a greater interest in religion
-Women have a stronger personal religious commitment
-Women more likely to attend church
-Appear through religious organisation or religious beliefs
Miller and Hoffman 2 factors?
Differential socialisation
Differential roles
Miller and Hoffman- differential socialisation?
Females taught to be submissive, passive and obedient and nurturing than males
Traits are compatibles with religiosity as such characteristics are highly esteemed by religions
By the same token, men who internalise these norms tend to be more religious then men that don’t
Miller and Hoffman- Differential roles?
Females have lower rates of participation in paid work and this gives women more time for church related activity’s
Higher rates of participation in child-rearing that coincides with family well being
Greeley’s theory?
Before women have children there religiosity is similar to men
But once they start taking care of other people them you assume greater responsibility for their ultimate welfare
Women are more involved in caring than practical responsibilities having a religious outlook
What is risk aversion and who is the sociologists related?
RA- Religion has a lot to gain and little to lose so attracts more women
Halman and Draulans
Halman and Draulans risk aversion?
Women defenders of traditions in family and take on major responsibility’s like looking after home and necessary for child’s moral development and to introduce them to approved social values including religious beliefs
Who explains beliefs biologically?
Knotts biological theory?
Spiritual themes within childbirth that a religion can provide powerful coping mechanism
-Childbirth ultimately seen as spiritually transforming experience so woe are more religious following childbirth
Why can life expectancy explain religiosity?
Women live longer than men meaning they are more likely to be widowed and living on their own as they grow older
May fall into religion as its a source of support and comfort means of building support network and there community’s
What are some new age movements?
New age herbalism
Crystal therapy
New age movement sociologists?
New age movement- Bruce?
Women are more likely to engage in NAM due to their more feminine movement
New age movement- Aldridge?
The image of the goddess in some NAM gives women a central role offering a more positive image of femininity than traditional religions
New age movement- Wicca?
Includes religion and femininity
Glock and Stark 4 deprivations?
Glock and Stark social deprivation?
Lack of power, prestige and status
e.g. those lacking job status who find satisfaction in evangelical roles
Glock and Stark- organismic deprivation?
Experienced by those suffering physical and mental problems e.g. people ay turn into sects in hope to be healed or as an alternative to drugs or alcohol
Glock and Stark- Ethical deprivation?
Result of people perceiving the world to be in moral decline and therefore retreating into an introversionist sect which separates itself from mainstream society e.g. jim jones people temple or david kpresh branch davidian sect
Glock and Stark- psychic deprivation?
Refers to those searching for more than the dominant value system offers
May wish for inner spiritual fulfilment rather than the consumerist goals on offer in capitalist societies
Certain cets like divine light mission and moonies claim to offer this
Cohen and Kennedy fundamentalist?
‘The desire to restore fundamentalist religions is associated with the fear that any real increase in woman’s freedom will undermine male control’
-Men want to gain control
Critics of Cohen and Kennedy?
Women join movements to reduce ambiguities associated with woman’s roles today
More women are involved
Examples of fundamental religion?
Women subordinate to men
Fundamentalist sociologist?
Aune fundamentalist trends?
Fertility levels
Feminist values
Paid employment
Family diversity
Aune- Fertility levels?
Women have fewer children now
Leading to a general decrease in church attendance amongst both gender
Aune- Feminist values?
-Feminism began influencing women in 1960-70’s
-Challenged christian values about women’s roles
-Raised womens aspirations
Aune- Paid employment
-Less women were in paid work by the beginning of the 20th century
-Nowadays many women work
-Hard to juggle a job childcare housework and church
Aune- Family diversity
-Single people
-Single parent families
-The are all under provided for/ discouraged by the church
Agreement with Aune- Linda Woodhead?
Explaining that the decline of women’s participation and attendance in religious organisations is tired in with the increasing numbers of women entering the workforce