Seculartisation Flashcards
What is secularisation?
The process whereby religious beliefs practice and institutions lose social significant
What does Bruce say about church attendance?
By 2015 5% of adult population attend church on sunday has hales
Religious affiliation today?
In 2021 less than 1/2 of people in the UK class themseves as christian
Religious institutions today?
12% angelic clergy under 40 but new catholic priests now below 1/10
How has modernisation affected religious belief?
Decline of traditional and its replacement with rational and scientific
What’s the effect of industrial on small communitys?
As small comunitys used to hold up common belifs
Whats the impact of religious diversity on religious institutions and on religious belifes?
Undermines authority of religious institutions and the credibility of religious belief so decline
Weber- whats rationalisation?
The process by which rational ways of thinking and acting come to replace religious one
Weber- rationalisation, what is the medieval catholic world view?
Cathlocisms saw world as an enchanted garden
Spiritual beings seen as present trying to use miraculous intervention
Humans influence beings and forces by prayers to ensure good harvest to protect against
Weber- how do protestant differ from Catholicism?
Undermines religious world view of the middle ages and replaced with the scientific outlook in modern society
Weber- what is disenchantment of the world?
Events no longer explained as the work of unpredictable supernatural beings but as predictable working of natures force
Weber- how did protestant reformation lead to the disenchantment of the world?
Gets rid of magical religious way of thinking and starts the rationalis process leading to dominance of rational mode of thought
Enables science to thrive, give humans more power
Bruce- what is the technological world view?
When a plane crashes with loss of lives were unlikely to regard it as work of evil spiritual or gods punishment of the wicked but scientific technological explanation
Weber- What is the impact of scientific knowledge on peoples attitude towards attitude?
Greatly reduce the scope for religious explanation science doesn’t make people atheist but encourages result in people taking religious less seriously
What is structural differentiation?
The process of specialisation that occurs within the development of indusyrial societu
Seperate instetutions develop to carry out function formed by instetutions