Religion As A Conservative Force- Functionalism Flashcards
What is meant by a conservative force?
Something that maintains social stability with a structuralist view
Believe that religion is the key institution to maintain social order and to reinforce tradition, culture and to maintain the status quo
-No encouragement of social change
Functionalist say that society has one most basic need, what is this?
Social order
According to functionalists social order is needed in society, why?
If we have social order it means we have social solidarity so all members can co-operate
Without this we would act in selfish ways and desires causing society to disitegrate
How can social order be achieved?
Via the value consensus
How does religion preform conservative functions?
By socialisation
Preventing anomie
How does religion preform conservative functions- Socialisation?
Passing on the traditional ideology
How does religion preform conservative functions- integration?
Being a part of something bigger than ourselves so feeling like a collective
How does religion preform conservative functions- Preventing anomie?
Religion prevents this as even when their is chaos where there’s possibility of normlesness, religion is always there to guide us so we feel less scared
Functionalist- sociologists?
Summary of Durkeims study?
Looked at the society of Arunita
These where bands of people that spent everyday together that live to survive so all have a collective consciousness that they should all have social solidarity
Aswell as bands we should also have clans where we believe we are descendants of certain ancestors
-They worship the sacred toten poll
-Believe the function is integration and to gain social solidarity’s and for a functioning society
Critics of Durkheim?
Communist anti religion societys
According to Durkheim what does religion promote and reinforce?
Promotes- emotional security
Reinforces- group identity and communalism
According to Durkheim- what is collective effervescence?
Participating in a spiritual ritual in which people become more enthused/motivated and commited to religion by watching others enacting religious rituals
According to Durkheim- what does religion prevent?
Durkheim- what does the totem do?
Provides emotional stability in times of threat
What is social solidarity and its application to religion?
Loyalty with others in society
A collective way people make bonds causing integration
What is collective consciousness and its application to religion?
Agreement over the values of society agreeing what’s right and wrong
-People follow rules in religion so therefore all agree on dos and donts
What is the conservative force and how does it apply to religion?
Maintaining the norms and values of society to maintain stability
-Reinforcing moral principles so making collective agreements
How does Hajj promote collective consciousness?
Muslim pilgrims age (Mecca and Saudi Arabia)
People making way to Hajj meeting people that agree on norms and values so feel integrated and as a collective
What does Malinowski say (case study)
Studied Trobland islanders
People pray before going out into the open sea but wouldn’t pray when in saftey of lagoons
Did this prayer ritual to protect themselves from evil therefore bringing people together
What does Malinowski say is the main reason for existence in religious belief and why?
Death as it reinforces feelings of solidarity amongst survivors giving people the comfort of bereavement through denial of death
Malinowski- what functions does religion preform in times of crisis?
Helping to cope with emotional stress like danger
Events like birth puberty, marriage and death disrupt changes sp religion helps minimise this
Malinowski- what does he believe to be important?
Funeral rituals
Summary of parsons (case study)
Agreed with Durkheim saying that religion provides Norms and values to give us social solidarity
By combining concepts like sacred and profane the norms and values to may thighs like American politics can reinforce the meaning of religion e.g. god bless America before every football game
-also believes religion is comforting in times of stress, it provides comfort in the afterlife and can be important in times of stress like in the war, in the blitz people would use local churches and the society bloc countries used churches for courses of action
-It provides social solidarity and in times of uncertainty religion is high and provides stability
Parsons- What can religion do?
-Create and legitimise central values via teaching of the sacred moral codes (the sanctity if marriage, self discipline)
-Secondary socialises
-Reinforces value consensus and creates social order
-Primary source of meanings and can help people deal with life crises
Robert Bellah- What is a civil religion?
A phrase to describe how nationalism has become a belief system like religion arguing that civil religion preforms the same functions as religion by uniting people through shared belief experiences and rituals
Bellah- example of American civil religion?
Davy Crocett who fought for inderpendance
Eisenhower commander in chief in ww2
The flag
4th July
National anthem
Beckford- can religion be applied to different society’s?
Occasions in the Uk where we are drawn together by rituals or events (e.g. the queen and Diana’s funeral)
People attend church during times of crisis and need stability
-It’s doubtful these occasions can compensate for the Uk deep social divisions and high rate of religious diversity and indifference, if the Uk has civil religions its at best occasional and worst weak
Stark and Bainbridge?
Religion is a supernatural compensation
It makes up for things like loss in life, loneliness and disjunct in society
Believes religion maintained social order in society by supporting the dominant system
It matches order of society, domaine leadership and heigherarchy
Believes that religion fits to all society and it compensates
For example, Modern society and monotheism (one god religion)
And Totems clans where they fight for survival
Criticism 1 of functionalisms belief on religion?
It gives a rose tinted view ignoring the negative aspects of religion (restriction of women) e.g. in the media etc
Criticism 2 of functionalisms belief on religion?
Can religion be dysfunctional and can it be a source of division of conflict
E.g. wars in Palestine and Israel also Ireland Protestant v Catholic
Criticism 3 of functionalisms belief on religion?
Idea that civil religion can overcome problem by arguing society has an overarching belief system showed by all
What does this actually have to do with religion its just a belief system
Criticism 4 of functionalisms belief on religion?
‘Emergence of religion pluralism and diversity in society is something that Durkheim has difficulty with’ Hamilton
This means it ignores the rise of homosexuality and new identities that go against religious belifs
Criticism 5 of functionalisms belief on religion?
A huge increase in secularisation
Criticism 6 of functionalisms belief on religion?
Parson and Malanowskis study’s may not be relevant in today’s society, this is because they looked at old religions and times that aren’t around any more so how can this be applicable to society?