social developments in affluent society Flashcards
how did living standards rise?
- pre-war slums cleared, new towns (harlow in essex) built.
and towns planned by labour 1940s
(crawley, corby) grew rapidly
[broke up established traditinal comunities]
from macs housing programme… home ownership increased
-mens weekly wages rose (£8.3 1951_- £15.35 in 1961) from more employment [almost 85%]
-farmers improved economicly from state subsidies. as price of food low.
= cause food ratioing to end (1954)
-hire purchase enable more acces to consumer goods(cars, fridges)
what was the positive impact of affluence and consumerism?
-ownership of goods: TV, washing machines, new furniture bought on hire purchase. shown in adverts since (1955) itv launch
tv rose by 32%. (1960) 10mill tv in use
[50% wach tv evening= less theatre outing]
-hobbies: DIY & gardening became popular which affected whats shown on tv
-car industry: car ownership rose by 25% from 1957-1959. new roads were built which pushed house development. [started development of m1]
-holiday camps: 60,000 poeple holidayed per week with butlins
what was the continuities caused by the impact of affluence and consumerism?
-council houses and rentals outnumbred provate home-owners
-2% population enjoyed holidays
-cars & hire purchase existed before
what was the prefumo affair?
-profumo had relations with christine keeler, who slept with a soviet spy called yevgang ivanov
-causing poeple to speculate if she leaked information about cold war
Forcing profumo to resighn
-involved (stephen ward, christine keeler, john profumo, yevgang ivanov, johnny edgecombe)
what caused changes in the class perception during aflluent society?
-the suez crisis (1956) exposed blatant lying & manipulation by govermant
AND the rise of campaign for nuclear disarmament (1958) encouraged tendency to challange autharity and for britain to less conform to establishment
-the (1963) profumo affair reinforced the image macmilan, conservatuves old and out of touch. showed decline in deference
- the ‘satire boom’ of satire stage shows like beyond the fringe in 1960 and tv shows like that was the week that was in 1962 which critisized the establishment. less deference. became mainstream.
(also angry young men’)
what continuoutes were there in the class perception during affluent society?
-1963, sir alex dougles home became priminister who had formally been the fourteenth earl of home.
continued idea which was argued upon towards leaders who didnt earned there position via merit
so didnt break class system
who were the angry young men?
-they rebelled against traditional theatre & literature. producing books that were sarcastic, bitter, intense, bleak and used everday language to show contemporary britain (“a kind pf loving” 1960 by stan barstows)
what was the establishment?
-terms for informal networks conecting social & political elites
(aristocracy, politicans, civil servants, judges, bishops, diplomat, officers in armed forces, leaders of media and bussines)
usually from exclusive public school and oxford and cambridge universitys
-privalaged (male) poeple
what were the positive social developemnts for women in 1950s?
(1952) equal gender pay for teachers
(1954) equal gender pay for civil servants
-(1957-1959) number of households owning washing machines rose by 54% and refugirator 58%. washing machines given name (liberator) - as it saved time for women
-women work rose in 1964
what were the negative social developments for women? (7)
seen as housewives and mothers
-avarage marriage was age 21
-75% woman married
-family allowance paid to women
-bank accounts were in mens name
-trade unions not support women work as they thought it would lower wages
-belief women work would damage childs life
what immigration developments occured in 1950s affluent society?
-empire windrush of carribean migrants(1948) & arrival of new commonwealth
-(1958) 210,000 commonwealth immagrants settled in britain
(75% were male)
-(1950s) britain recieve 676,000 immagrants seeking permanent residance
-(1962) common wealth immagrants Act passed (and not reppelled after 1964 election) encourage multicultural society
what was the new common wealth?
countrys that recently gained independance such as india, pakistan, ‘british west indies’ / carrabean.
what racial violence occured in affluent society?
-nottingham gangs (1958) called them racist names after pub brawls, primerliy targeted black poeple.
Same year were riots between blacks and white tenants caused by white poeple
-notting hill hostility was encouraged by right wing politican Oswald Mosely
-disrupted easing of social tensions
how was there an emergence of teenager and youth culture during 1950s?(7)
-young poeple had more time
(girls not need to help mothers)
-1960s no longer participated in national service
-10% population in britain was teenagers, so they were more economicly important
-they had more money to buy records and fashion, helping creae own culture
-1950s magizines & TV programme aimed specifically at group
-Rock and roll reached britain in 1955
youth groups:
-teddy boys
who were the teddy boys?
(early 1950s)
suits were insoired by edwaedian dandies, they wore tailoed velvet blazers, drain pipe jeans and creepers..
listened to jazz & rock and roll
were suburban working class-part of notting hill riots
public viewed them as ‘federal youth’
who were the rockers?
-wore leather jackets, no helmets, white silk scarfs, levis, and aviator goggles.
-rode motorbikes
-listen rock and roll(edsie cochran) opposed drug use
-were seen as folk devils by national press
who were the mods?
-italian tailor made slim fit suits, polo shirts, parka jackets
-drove mopeds
-listened to modern jazz, rythem & blues influenced by west indies
-distanced themselves from prosperity of parents
-rejected logo clothing. went to all night cages
(were accepeted by british public until clash with rockers, had ‘knife wielding hooligans’ ) exageration by press
how were social attitudes expressed in film and telivision ?
-saphire [1959] was a ceimw friller portraying sex & violence
-dixon of dock green shoulderd aside by gritty realism of Z cars
tv produced campaighn programme desighned to raise controversy about social issues like cathy come home about homekessness
taste of honey (1958) about young unmaried women becoming pregnant by black sailor. part of driving break down of cencership social taboos [was first english film use homeosexual