Heaths Governmant Flashcards
Who was Edward heath?
•leader for Conservative Party for 5 years prior to being elected
• educated in state school
• stiff & prickley at dealing with people
• not skilled at pleasing allies
•too honest
[Was chief negotiator for EEC entry in (1961-1963)]
What economic policies did Edward heath do?
- planned a policy program about tax reform, trade union reform and end for public subsidy of lame duck industries
(But still held beliefs in the post war consensus and ‘one nation Toryism’)
• did tax cuts to public spending= barberboom= stagflation= high unemployment
• decimalisation in (1971)
What political policies did Edward heath do?
Raise school leaving age to 16
Reorganised local governments
When did edward heath make a U- turn in his polices
(1971) when he nationalised rolls Royce
What statistic shows the effects of heaths government on unemployment ?
(1973) unemployment fell to 500,000
What policies did heath pass in regards to industrial relations ?
-Industrial relations act: set up industrial relations court. Provided strike balllots & cooling of period before strikes
-industry act (1972) involved government, trade union congress and confederation of British industries to agree wages, prices & investable
(Heavily criticized by right wing of party )
What had occurred in 1972 which hadn’t occurred since 1926?
Saw the highest number of days lost in strikes (23,909,000 days)
What is the context for the NUM to demand a pay rise?
(1973) you kippur war caused organization of petroleum Exporting countries to declare an oil embargo. Meaning oil prices were raised significantly
What what issues had occurred between Edward heath and the miners
The miners wanted a higher wagers. Who then introduced an overtime ban to fulfill this demand
Causing heath to state in (1974) an 3 day week would be introduced as well as appointing white law as minister of employment. To successfully negotiate with the miners…
However the miners weren’t willing to agree
So one response the government refused to cooperate = in (1974) national union of miners calling a national strike
What parliamentary organizations were in Ireland?
-republican: IRA, INLA (Irish national liberation army)
-loyalist UDA(ulster defense association), UvF (Ulster volunteer force)
How did Edward heath deal with the troubles of northern Ireland?
Heath went along with policy to impose nighttime curfews, as well as internment (1971)
Causing nationalist to be alienated meant that British army was viewed as enemy by Catholics & nationalists
-(1972) Bloody Sunday
= 1382 explosions, and 10,628 shootings occurring by end of (1972)
= heath brought in direct rule from
Westminster (1972)
Then introduced the sunning dale agreement
What statistic shows the nationalist felt alienated following internment (1971)?
95% interned between (1971-9175) were Catholics
What was Bloody Sunday?
(1972) march by Northern Ireland civil( rights association against internment resulted in British solders firing at the march in attempts to control
it caused 26 civilians shot and 13 killed
Leading to the British embassy in Dublin to be burned down
What was the sunningdale agreement ?
A plan to power share government with support of social democratic labor party and ulster unionist party.
[power sharing executive of nationalist & unionist, new NI assembly elected under proportional representation system & council of Ireland have some imput from Republic of Ireland ]
L- was opposed by republicans & loyalist
L-UUP voted to pull out
L- leader of UUP, Faulkner who was head of executive power sharing government , had harry west replace him as leader of UUP who opposed the agreement
Lead to heath losing support from Northern Ireland