Foreign Relations 1951-1964 Flashcards
What were the main foreign policy development in affluent society?
-EFTA and attempt to join eec
-relations with the US and USSR
-debates over nuclear deterrent
- Korean War (1950-53)
- suez crisis (1956)
What is the EEC?
European economic community: economic union including France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg founded in 1957
What is the EFTA?
European free trade association: include free trade between ‘outer seven’ nations who coul negotiate with non EFTA members. Founded in 1960
(Include Britain, Austria, Denmark, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland)
Why did Britain not join the EEC? (6,5)
Not wanting to
— few politicans favoured Britain taking leadership role in Europe
— left politicians suspicious that free market would be behind common market (they prefer nationalising)
— right wing politician regard preserving traditional trade links that were more important than Europe (Australia, commonwealth, US)
—belief that this was issue for continental Europe( no need to resolve tension as Germans lost and they “won”)
—assumed Britainwas still a great power
-maintain special relations with US based on historical cultural economic military ties and common wealth
-want maintain position in world affair with US & commonwealth
-European communities already develop economic structures which Britain found it difficult to comply to. (EFTA WEAKER THAN EEC)
-Britain nationwide trade would be blocked by EEC if joined, (like lamb exports by New Zealand) balance of trade interests.
-Charles de Gaulle exercised Frances right to veto and block British application, was suspicious of a America ‘les angles Saxon’ joining
-decolonisation and suez crisis weakened Britain (less valuable)
Why did Britain want to join the EEC?
-boost industrial production for large scale exports market
-increased industrial efficiency with greater competition
-stimulate economic growth with rapid economic expansion
What was UKs relation with the USA?
1)-USA and Britain remain Allie’s after the First World War in fear of communism spreading accros Europe
2)-NATO formed, Britain had agreed to station troops in west Germany
3)-Gay burgess and Donald Maclean (part of Cambridge 5) were spies leaking vital secrets to Moscow about nuclear deterrents. In (1951) they defected to Moscow made public.
MADE US share less intelligence to Britain
4)-Britain not intervene in Cuban missile crisis. Seemed, described by Peter thornycroft as “bystanders” but also that they were top of table
5)-Britain supply 90,000 soldiers in Korean War to support us. Biggest contingent behind US. Cause over 1000 British troops to die. Britain still willing to continue role in affairs but showed who REAly was greater power
What was Britain involvement in nuclear deterrents?
- Became nuclear power, (1952) Britain first atomic test. Made them powerful
2.USA and USSR had developed more powerful bomb . H bomb, only tested in Britain in (1957) was megaton mononuclear bomb
3.formation of campaign for nuclear disarmament( CND) march in (1958), include intellectuals and middle class voters, second in (1959) bigger with anti-govers and labour left wing
- (1958) mutual defense agreement, us share nuclear technology with Britain
- Canceled blue streak missile project to be reliant on US Polaris missile (fear for us to be harder to integrate in Europe)
- Labour Party conference support unilateral nuclear disarmament (show dislike us)
What was the Korean War and Britains involvement?
-Korea owned by Soviet’s in north (communist)
-Korea owned by US in south (non-communist)
[20 countries supply troops, Britain sent 2nd largest contingent, worth of 90,000 soldiers]
- resulted in 1000 British troops dying and Britain maintaining major role in world affairs
-BUT for US to be seen as an bigger power
What was the suez crisis?
The Suez Canal was becoming nationalised by colonial nassar of Egypt to fund the Aswan dam.
-The canal connected trade for Briain from Mediterranean to Indian Ocean and New Zealand aswell as 80% europes oils imports pass through
So Eden formulated a unparliamentary plan with the France and Israel, involving Israel invading Egypt. Where the British and french intervene justifiably to enforce peace and gain control of suez
Why was eden encouraged to invade Egypt?
He viewed Britain as an imperial power, as-well as viewing Nassar as an evil dictator whose decisions had made him appease more towards the soviets
What were the consequences of the suez crisis?
-created more political labour and anti-war protests
-plan not informed by the US who then put financial sanctions onto Britain
-Britain was forced to re asses there positions in world
-gave them bad reputation
- briain acted without us support
-impacted British financial policies
What was involved in the decolonisation of British colonies?
British policies had changed from defeating nationalist revolts & maintaining British colonies to accepting independance
-(1952) mau mau Kenya rebellion
-(1957) Ghana gain independence
-(1960) Cyprus and Nigeria gain independence
-(1962) Uganda independence
-(1963) Kenya gain independence
[was ethnicities organosis kyprion agonisition (EOKA) in Cyprus
What occurred in the mau mau Kenya rebellion ?
(1952) Kenya uprising against British rule,
Kikayu poeple against British rule who had made Kenyans live in impoverished conditions
-were banned from growing cash crops
-worked in horrible conditions
Involved allegations on mau mau fighter( planned arrests) and revelations on bad treatments of captives in Hola prison/ concentration camps
-6 million bonds dropped in Kenya
-50,000 total deaths
RESULT IN BRITISH CONCESSIONS WITH KENYANS: by allowing them to grow cash crops and vote
What were the consequences of decolonisation?
-less violence was created than ones created in Belgium and Portugals campaign for independence
-so empire to common wealth was seen as an significant achievement (more support from US)
(Less costs to start a war against rebels)
(Showed Britain not powerful enough to withstand countries opposing imperialism)
(Better trade relations)
-attempts maid by macmillan for majority rule, but lead to minority rule of African countries and breaking ties with uk
What even dance was there for (1951-63) Britain not having an empire?
-Left wing labour excluded when Britain decide developing nuclear deterrent
- unclear detternts expensive for Britain
-America first hydrogen bomb
-1958 campaign for nuclear disarmament
-(1957-1964) 29 colonies secured independence
-(1953, Eisenhower irritated with Churchill, he not accep my decolonisation, so less willing to cooperate)
-Lyndon Johnson was less cooperative with British than Eisenhower