Social Control Flashcards
What is social control ?
Ways which our behaviour is regulated and constrained to ensure that members of society conform to social norms
How is behaviour controlled by social control ?
Positive sanctions that encourages a behaviour through rewards and negative sanctions that discourage behaviour by punishment
What is formal social control ?
Regulation of behaviour through written down rules such as laws, contracts or written agreement
Examples of formal social control ?
- through police: mantain order and safety and enforcing laws and preventing crime
goverment: establishing laws and punishments which create law abiding citizens
or exclusion from school, dismissal from work by formal mechanism
What is the studies for goverment , law , courts, police , military for formal social control ?
Max Weber: state and physical force
Travis Hirschi: control theory
What does Marx Weber: state and physical force say for formal social control ?
State is the only organisation with the right to use , threaten or authorise Phidias force against people. By imporisonment or physical violence to help police , law enforcement, gov
What does control theory: Hirschi argue about formal control ?
People obey law because they’re controlled by their bonds to society that keeps them from deviating
control theory: Hirschi
What are the four element that individuals are bonded to society ?
- Attachment
- Commitment
- Involvement
- Beliefs
control theory: Hirschi
What is attachement ?
More bonded and attached we are to others the more we care about them and respect their norms and less likely to break them
control theory: Hirschi
What is commitment ?
We are dedicated to a normal lifestyle the more we get involved in crime the more we are likely to conform
control theory: Hirschi
What is involvement ?
The more involved we are in normal law abiding activities e.g studying the less time and energy we have to get bomber in crime
control theory: Hirschi
What is belief ?
If we have been socialised to believe it is right to obey laws we are less likely to break it
What are the studies for education system and formal social control ?
- Education in UK: common mechanism of formal social control
- control theory : Hirischi
What are the studies for workplace and formal social control ?
Formal socialisation and control theory : Hirischi
How is workplace a formal social Control?
Dress code , code of conduct and disciplinary or dismissal
What is formal socialisation for workplace and formal social control?
Written down rules of a workplace.
- learning the code of conduct that addresses acceptable dress code, punctuality and behavior and contract signed by employee for hours of work
Recieve postive sanctions by promotions, pay rise or employee of the month
What are the studies for religion and formal social control ?
- Ten Commandments
- five pillars of Islam
Ten Commandments and religion as formal social control ?
Fundamental role for all Abrahamic religions
“Thou shall not murder”
“Thou shall not steal “
What at the five pillars of islam for religion as a social formal control ?
- Belief in God (shahada) : there is no God but God and Mohammed is messager
2.Prayer (salat) : Muslims pray facing Mecca 5X a day - Charity (zakat) : Muslims donate their income to community member in need
- Fasting (sawm) : during Ramadan Muslims required to by healthy and
abstain from food and drink - Pilgrimage (hajj) : visit holy city
What is informal social control ?
Unwritten rules that ensures that others conform to norms. Done casually and unofficially which is less obvious but powerful in influencing our behaviour
What are the examples of sanctions from informal social control ?
- Socially excluding a person from a peer group
- celebrities critised in magazine
- disappointed reaction from parents
What are the studies for informal social control and peer groups ?
Sue lees and Paul Willis subculture
What does sue Lees argue and why is this for peer groups and informal social control ?
Looked at pressure put on teen girls and the double standards for boys and girls Sexual behavior
- slang used to control girls behaviour but boys sexual behaviour not policed in negative way but raises status of a boy and lowers girls
Studies for education and informal social control ?
Hidden curriculum and Bowles and