Social Cognition Flashcards
affective component
refers to the emotional reactions or feelings an individual has towards an object, person, event or issue
refers to the idea that one can have both positive and negative responses towards the same thing
an evaluation a person makes about an object, person, group, event or issue
behavioural component
refers to the actions that we do in response to an object ect.
central route of persuasion
route of persuasion which uses the content of the message to make the audience think carefully about the message and evaluate it (high elaboration).
cognitive component
refers to the beliefs we have about an object ect.
cognitive dissonance theory
suggests that if a person persists in behaving in a way that causes cognitive discomfort, the person tends to change their beliefs or attitudes to the behaviour
ego-defensive function
a function of attitudes which helps people to protect themselves from admitting negative things or the harsh realities of the world
impression formation
process by which people form an overall impression of someone’s character and abilities based on available information about their traits and behaviours
impression management
process by which people attempt to manage the impression of themselves that they present to others
knowledge function
a function of attitudes that operates because people need to have knowledge to give structure and order to the world in which they live
likert scale
a type of questionnaire that allows a subject to nominate a category of choice in their response. this might be a number (e.g. 1-6) when those numbers represent intensities of agreement or disagreement (e.g strongly agree - strongly disagree)
non-verbal communication
the ways that we present information without using verbal language
peripheral route of persuasion
involves persuading the audience of the message by using peripheral cues. it requires little deliberation and elaboration by the audience.
process in which communicators try to convince other people to change their attitudes or behaviors regarding an issue through the transmission of a message