Social Class Differences in Achievement Flashcards
Language - Berstein
Cultural Deprivation
lang codes/ way use speech, vocab & grammar of MC & WC children = respon for dif achieve
MC speech = broader vocab, m detail & grammatically sound struc - teachers edu at higher level & = m MC - MC have advan - edu success judged on quality of commun skills
restricted code - spoken mainly by WC children lacks vocab detail & gram struc
Language - Hubbs-Tait
Cultural Deprivation
parents who challenge children to evaluate thinking have higher cog abil
Feinstein - m likely to happen in MC fams where parents = edu
Parents Education
Cultural Deprivation
Douglas - p atts to edu & own levels impact edu ach - WC p’s place less NBance on edu - push less - causes lower levels of motivation & ach
Feinstein - p’s level of edu impacts ach - MC soc children dif - parenting style - m consistent w/ disci & edu behavs
Working Class Subculture
Cultural Deprivation
Sugarman - WC have dif sub cul to Mc = barrier to edu acheivement
1. Fatalism
2. Collectivism
3. Immediate Grat
4. Present time orientation
link to under achieve - links to security of MC jobs - room for progression - encours ambition & LT planning - children soc & apply to edu
Immediate Gratification
Cultural Deprivation - WC Subculture
WC used to low wages weekly - spend immed - idea of working thro 2ndary school for no fin reward for 5 yrs means unlikely to have right attitude
MC emph def grat - parents have attitude can wait for reward - were students - instills patience & commitment
Cost of Education
Material Deprivation
= hidden costs of edu - WC disadvan
Tanner - transport, books, comprs, uniform, equip & trips
Flaherty = stigma on FSM - prevs some taking
Smith & Nobel - WC can’t afford priv tuition / schools
Ridge - WC may need to work to help HH - takes time from edu
Housing & Health
Material Deprivation
direct & indirect impact - overcrowding - lack of study space, disturbed sleep, lack of develop play - indirect - health & welfare - cold & damp
Howard - children in poorer fams have poorer diets & nutrition - lack of energy & higher absence rates
Wilkinson - high rate of hyperactiv & ADHD amoungst 10 yr olds from lower income backgrounds - impacts
Becker - Ideal Pupil
Teacher Expectations
may label as troublemaker / have image of ideal pupil - hardworking, concientious, studious, helpful & articulate - stereo of some soc groups - MC, White maybe female
Labelling Theory
Becker - in rela to dev others develop for edu
teachers subcon label pupils - well behav / naughty - effects interacs - student reacts - can internalise, accept and live up to = SFP
m likely WC boys - could create low ach
Self Fulfilling Prophecy
ppl act in response to pred made about behav - causes preds to come true - live up to label
eg lazy = demotiv - stop trying - clever = confident & motiv
Ball Beachside Comprehensive
= 3 bands
1. non manual 2. mixed 3. manual
teachers = worried mixed would have X outcomes so focussed m even if started w/ sim attitudes those in 2 & 3 m WC & anti-school - left w/ fewer quals 1 did better
Rosenthal & Jacobson (1968)
effects of teacher labelling - random 20% = unusally intel from fake IQ test - on av gained m IQ over yr than others
= interactionist so not inevitable - can reject
Interactionist Evaluation
focuses on small sale interactions in schools = detailed accounts & evidence
may ignore factors of wider soc - seen as dated
Setting & Streaming
streaming - sep into dif ability groups
WC don’t conform to image of ideal pupil - in lower stream - once streamed = dif to move - feel written off - SFP & underach
Douglas - children in lower streams at 8 suffered IQ dec by 11
Educational Triage
Gilborn & Youdell
schools perform triage:
1. achieve anyway - don’t require much input
2. hopeless - waste of resources
3. borderline- attention & input so get 5 Cs
linked w/ pressure of league tables & A- C could = connection w/ edu pol - marketisation